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Malcolm Greig

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Malcolm Greig

  1. Well done Denis. Deck looks great. Very clever solution to the kits deck width plank inconsistencies. I also very much like the deck colour. Malcolm
  2. Hi Denis Your Revenge is looking great. I'm enjoying following both Martin's and your progress. Q? What process do you follow to accurately identify the many thread sizes? Malcolm
  3. That's terrible Denis. I thought I had the printed decorations missing on my Revenge, but I found them amongst the plans after a brief panic. I have part 69 missing, but I can make a new one. Everything else is present. I agree with you that the MDF is OK. Best of luck with the retailer making good on the missing parts. Malcolm
  4. Dennis I have the Revenge kit sitting under the Christmas Tree. It will be great to follow along with your build and learn from a master craftsmen. Malcolm.
  5. Brillant work, thanks for posting. A great read. Malcolm
  6. I'm only a second time builder (and the 1st ended up in the parts bin) so I'm not qualified to help. But I will say you have made a courageous decision to start with the Victory and good on you.. If this site had of existed during my first build I may have succeeded. It's being a huge help during my second build (HMS Mars). Good luck. Malcolm
  7. Those rope coils in the life boats are superb Dominic. I've spent hours trying get a rope coil looking like that, without success. How'd ya do it? Malcolm
  8. Life boats looking good Dominic. Thanks for posting the un-boxing. I have the CC Mars, nearly at masting stage (a first build that has taken a long time, wish I knew about this forum a couple of years ago). Small build by comparison to your Victory. No complaints about the quality of my CC kit. I get the impression from the forum that CC is generally very highly regarded. My kit was missing the photo etched parts and CC replaced them very quickly. All the best with this huge undertaking. Malcolm
  9. Emeble Like the way you have adapted issues like planking in situ rather than off the ship (referring to planking of the deck). What were or are the risks in your opinion with following the instructions (to the letter) to plank decks prior to fitting? Very much like what you have done with the hatches. Looks really good. Terrific enhancement. I'm going to buy this kit, just looking for a bit more positive reinforcement before I pull the Visa trigger. At this point how good do you rate this kit?? Malcolm
  10. Hello kiwi Ron. My AL Endeavor beat me up 20 odd years ago. It is the parts bin now. But I will have another go at some stage. But won't go the AL way. Good luck. Malcolm
  11. Another great log Denis. Are you keeping track of the the hours spent on this build? I will be a regular visitor from now on. I noted in your SOS log that you were not going to put that fantastic effort in a glass case. Is that still the case? Please excuse the pun. regards Malcolm
  12. Wow, just discovered this magnificent build. Well done Denis, read it straight through this evening. Perhaps your are still lurking about? and I understanding completely your comments about NZ customs, international postage to NZ and GST. Malcolm
  13. Looking forward to following your build. I am waiting for reviews before purchase. Thanks for posting. Are the fittings generic Amati parts (rigging blocks etc) or do they appear specific to the Revenge? Malcolm
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