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About lkimmins

  • Birthday 10/03/1950

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    columbus ohio

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  1. Welcome aboard Tom For your information our club is located in Columbus, Ohio. We have member from around the state. Club name is Shipwrights of Central Ohio, Check out our web site. Lee
  2. In AutoCAD you can input PDF files, just go to insert - external reference - use pull down menu for pdf file. Once input you can scale and rotate it to be lines up with the xyz axis. For scaling insert a line scale it than measure a pdf line with a none dimension and incease or decrease dwg to scale. Best lock pdf layer so you won't change anything add your new overlay drawing on top. The pdf is a raster file and lines are not to smooth or clean but you can create your own drawing. Lee
  3. Yes, park in back, go thru door will be sign, room is on right past the gift shop. Bill Nyberg is president and will be setting up around 9:00. See you this Saturday. Lee
  4. Hi Welcome aboard, nice to hear from another from Ohio. FYI I belong to a club formed in central Ohio (Columbus) About 15 years back. The name is Shipwrights of Central Ohio. We will be meeting this Saturday at the Westerville library from 9-11:30 third Sat of each month. We would love to have you come by. Lee
  5. If you had some Cad skills it could be 3d model up sent to Shapeways online printing services and have it printed out within a week. I did all my stacks. flues and whistle on my riverboat. I would cost between 3-7 dollars and the detail will be sharp. If you want I may have time to model it up, print and ship to you. about an hour of my time. Lee
  6. Will have to check, it has been about a year. But I had no problems once all the setting was set. I believe most of the software is on line and there is a file icon that goes on your computer. This is my results.
  7. I also have a Circuit machine and have used it with my autocad software. I have cut out pully sheave and wheels for a card model. Also for my riverboat used it to cut the roof trim and railings made from .010 thick plastic. Drawn them up in autocad and I believe I have saved them in dxf format. in circuit I had to position and scaled it. For the sheaves I drew one up copied mult units on sheet, it then cut them all out. Just have to watch the cutting they trend to pile up around the knife blade. Existing prints you can scan them to your computer and input them in as a jpeg file, scale it and save in dxf I believe. These files can be imported. It has been 6 months since I done it but it works. Lee k
  8. FYI Steamboats.com is a good source for info even some nice pictures and info on build of a rc model of the stern wheeler Monroe. Lee
  9. FYI HI Mates, came across another site for picture reference, Years back Ralph DuPae collected pictures of river boats across the country. He found over 40,000 pictures and they are digital store to view and order from the Murphy Library located at the university of Wisconsion digital collection. uwdc.library.wisc.edu. also the egregious (steamboat journal), S & D reflector (sons and daughters of pioneer rivermen) and American steamwheel association (sternwheeler). Lee
  10. FYI Howard shipyards in Indiana built a side wheeler City of Monroe in 1897 was burned and damage by a tornado 1899 rebuilt as Hill City, converted to Corwin H Spencer and burned 1905. A lot of Howard Steamboat Company information is at Indiana.edu/lilly library. You can write or call and get copies of information on the craft you need. There is over 200,00 pieces of information about the company and what they did.. Lee
  11. FYI For your references there are a lot of pictures from the Howard Steamboat collection posted on digital.library.Louisville.edu. The collection shows side and stern and most pictures are very good to zoom up and print out. Lee
  12. Bob Try digital.library.louisville .edu Lee
  13. Steam boaters info Steam boaters information found on web. I have been to the Howard steam boat museum and have found on their web site various pictures and listing of ships built over the years. Another site is The Lilly Library in Bloomington, Ind. which has a large collection of pictures on line of various ships built and pictures of the ship yards and family. They have over 200,000 pieces of information turned over to them from the late owners. pictures, records, plans, drawing ect. You can make a request a search for information on a boat and they can locate it. You can go there to view it and request a copy. Please check it out. Lee
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