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Everything posted by cobra1951

  1. Made up the second set of cannons Made some rings and hooks and finished off the ends of the breaching ropes I do not want any movable parts that can come loose later on after the builds are finished, and then give me a nightmare of a job trying to get them back in place. So i drilled holes in the bottom of the cannon wheels and glued some brass wire in Next i laid some masking tape across the deck Then i carefully placed the cannons exactly where i want then to be and when i was satisfied with the placement i pressed down on the gun carriages with even pressure over each wheel Note : in this picture you can see i have also made and fitted the shelving to the inner hull above the table When the cannons are removed there are 4 marks left in the masking tape, i have highlighted them with pencil to make it easier for the camera to pick up the marks. all thats needed now is to drill out the holes where the marks are, apply glue to the brass rods in the wheels and place the cannons where i want them
  2. Hi Antony Cornwall model boats has some 2.5mm rigging cord here http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/amati_rigging_thread.html and 2.25mm here http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/caldercraft_C82250N.html
  3. Fantastic everything looks so clean and crisp. The red edge sounds good to me as it will emphasise the fact it is a cut away
  4. This looks interesting i will follow along
  5. Thank you Bryan I appreciate your comment. and thank you to all who have commented and liked so far
  6. Hi EJ Right attitude, don't let it get to you and learn from the errors you find along the way
  7. Hi Paul Thanks I have already test fitted the cannons in place before i fitted the tables and benches, and as long as i fit the hull end block and hook first then place the cannon and then fit the cannon block, all of it fits fine. Thanks for being helpful
  8. Made a little more progress Fitted the hanging knees and all the eye pins in the upper beams and also all the eye pins for the cannons, also made the tables and benches and fitted them
  9. Nice job on the support pillars EJ i like them But a poor show on the kit manufacturers part for not supplying what seem like essential parts, they could have at least designed the kit with some cross beams for deck support
  10. Sanding the burn marks is a delicate and unenviable job, trying to get rid of the burns and at the same time keeping the size and shape of the part the same as the original laser cut
  11. Nice progress Bryan You're into all the fiddly stages of the build now and doing a good job
  12. Thanks Elijah . I thought it would be boring to do two at the same time but it's not that bad. Although i do my best on the first one i can then see if there is any room for improvement on the second one.
  13. An unenviable job and all credit to you for sticking with it, and finishing with a great outcome
  14. @ Don Thanks Don, he better be @ Paul Thanks Paul, basket weaving for a basket case, sounds good
  15. I agree with that, and seizing the block looks so much better too, the section deck builds i am doing say to use brass but i prefer to use the rope
  16. Hi EJ I see you are fixing the eye pins to the blocks in the proper manner using rope, not with twisted brass wire like some manufacturers expect. Nice job
  17. Thanks for the likes and all input so far, much appreciated Quick update I have almost caught up with the other one, just need to finish off the gun port covers and rig them then i will be ready to continue on with both of them together. You may notice that i have gone for a brown framework on this one, this is because i did not like the look of the first one in white. One coat of walnut wood dye gave it a mottled aged look which i liked so i left it at one coat
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