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Everything posted by cobra1951

  1. Amazing Antony. All the joints look to be spot on which is no mean feat taking those curves into account, well done mate :)
  2. Yes planking the hull seems to take forever , nice neat job
  3. Makes you wonder why they don't use a solid piece there instead of ply
  4. Nice neat work as usual Robert and a good job putting the curve in the counter pattern. that piece is very fragile when it's wet :)
  5. Hi Elijah try this stuff. It ships from Hong Kong but if you don't want to wait too long for it try your local car accessory dealer for 3mm pinstriping tape http://www.ebay.com/itm/3mm-1-8-PinStriping-Pin-Stripe-Tape-SINGLE-LINE-Decor-Decal-Vinyl-Sticker-BLACK-/172031745878?hash=item280de41f56:g:sZoAAOSwxN5WbVYT&vxp=mtr
  6. Very nice build. I will be referencing it when i do mine :)
  7. The amount of work involved on a solid hull kit is a lot more involved than I thought. You have done a great job on it
  8. Hi I will be starting on this kit soon too Good luck with your build :)
  9. Hi Mikeymo I am going to be starting the same kit soon looks like it will be a good build once i change the cannons :) Good luck with yours
  10. I have always said if you want accuracy don't buy a kit lol
  11. This is one of the downsides of Internet or mail order buying. They have your money before you can check it out and if you decide to return it then you end up paying the cost of returning it. Kits were much better when you could walk into a local shop and look before you buy, unfortunately the local model shops are now few and far between
  12. Always annoys me when manufacturers scrimp on parts . I would rather have to pay a bit extra for the kit and have a complete one, rather than having to order parts at additional cost and more postage. The cannons look good in place and when you make the adjustments they will look great :)
  13. That makes it even more special because once finished there won't be another one like it :)
  14. Brilliant, you make working from pictures look easy, although i am sure it's not easy
  15. Hi Per This will make a nice change from sail boats. There are 1/10 scale engines available, but they are silly prices i googled 1/10 scale engine and got a load of them
  16. Nice lines on the hull Elijah I always thought if you bought a solid hull kit that the hull would be ready to build on, but not in this case it seems. Good job with all that sanding
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