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Everything posted by cobra1951

  1. Cannons fitted out with all eyelets, rings and chains. Also i changed the kit supplied rope for some decent rope They still need to be cut to correct length once i decide where the cannons will be positioned Placed cannons on deck just for the sake of it to see how they look Masking tape on the deck planks is there so i don't mess up the planks when i can be bothered to sand the inner gun port liners, I hate sanding
  2. If you don't make mistakes you're not a modeller you're a robot :)
  3. Wow you really are going along fast and still achieving an amazing planking job all over. Love it
  4. Hourly, you're lucky, mine sits under my desk with his head on my knee I don't mind really i just keep my air brush handy for blowing the hairs away
  5. Cannons partially built to test the fit of the wedge with the reduced size base under the wedge. Lots of room for trajectory adjustments now. This won't apply to mine as moving parts will be glued into place to stop bits falling off when completed build is moved, but i still want it to look like there is adjustment possible. Note the hollow trunnions will be replaced with a solid bar when the cannons are ready to be finished
  6. Keep it up Elijah the end is in sight. You will have a nice looking hull to work with soon
  7. I had a bit of spare time today so i decided to work on the mechanism for altering the gun trajectory. As pointed out by Mr Pucko the plans call for it to be made using sizes that are to big and not allowing the gun to have a straight or upward trajectory Main parts made as per instruction for test purposes on the gun Piece of 6mm thick ply with 2 strips of 2mm x 5mm batons glued on I dug into my plywood stash and cut 4 pieces of 1.5mm ply and glued them in pairs to make two bases then i glued 1mm x 5mm batons on to them As you can see they are now half the thickness of the original ones I then glued two small 1mm x 2mm batons on to the wedges. this allows the wedges to slide freely on the base and now i have a lot more up and down movement on the barrels Next job is to add the handles to the wedges then fit them all on to the cannon bases
  8. Hi Bryan It looks like a great game but i know if i started playing it it would be at the expense of modelling and we can't have that can we
  9. Full Size photo is here http://i.imgur.com/iWLEBEB.jpg right click on it, save image as
  10. Hi Bryan Yeah it's a great picture. I downloaded it a while back and made an animated signature with it and added rain Edit : Added it to my signature on here now
  11. You're 'doing a nice job there . I hate the sanding tasks takes me days to get in the mood to start sanding
  12. Hi Paul I didn't use either the book or the plan for the inner planking i just planked it the way i want it As for the gun port lids they don't need test fitting as i am going to make my own, because the kit designed ones are ridiculously thick. If they made them that thick in real life it would probably take half the crew to open one with all the weight All the gun port covers i have seen usually sit just inside the opening, these ones are more like a plug I have more or less given up sticking to the plans as they are so far out. Example the plan says to make the height of the gun port opening 34mm but the supplied port covers are 30mm x 29mm I have finished the inner and outer hull planking and i have ordered some various sizes of Walnut strip and i will line the gun ports to make them a more acceptable size and then make my own lids about 3mm or 4mm thick
  13. Hi all, thanks for the likes and comments Quick update Outer and inner hull side planked Now for lots of sanding before sorting out the gun port linings
  14. Hi Lawrence Yes you are right the quality made the decision for me. Did i want to go to the trouble of fixing it all up and then have to replace all the hull planking. Easy decision, Nope . I didn't even bother to keep all the stuff i had added to the kit. Replacement is easier think
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