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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. One more thing for the newer members I have said before. This is a world wide forum with people of all skill levels. We literally have some of the best modelers in the world post regularly here. People who literally wrote the books on our subjects. Sort of a basketball forum with Lebron posting daily or a swimming forum where Phelps is all over the place. Sometimes this is pretty intimidating. Us mere mortals must always remember everyone starts somewhere and we all want to improve. Some of those "pros" are the nicest and most helpful people here. The tone and encouragement from everyone here on the forum makes this the best place to be
  2. Thank you Druxey. Everyone step I am learning more and more. Next up is still up in the air. I really want to get away from traditional kits although will eventually be building the Pride of Baltimore II but not just yet. The 2 choices are Cheerful and Echo cross section. Each has some pretty big challenges for me. Will be thinking about it a bit more while I clean up my workshop...
  3. Thanks JD. Cleaning the shop is a priority. I have a fairly large office and as a consequence of so much room is I basically can dump stuff and not worry about it getting in the way. End result I have boxes the movers put down 11 years ago I have never moved...... I would like to get some type of cabinets to organize some stuff. We never had a lull after the first month or two. We are pretty close to being overrun with every facility running at max capacity most of the time. So far we are holding the line...
  4. There is no real official protocol and we just put it where we think it will fit nicely. Most of the time if the question is very specific to a problem you are having in your build then the build log would be a good place (my gunport template won't line up with my frames any ideas?). If it is a more general topic then the specific sub forum would be nice as an independent topic (want to start using an airbrush to paint where to start?). Sometimes question in a build log become so interesting and consuming with so many posts the mods will split it off into its own sub forum as a new independent topic.
  5. Welcome Phil. Many of us bring stuff to work on when we travel or are away from home. Starting a build log is a great way to show your work ask questions and all around participate in the community
  6. The first one was great but the second one really adds to it
  7. I definitely agree with this advice. This forum is so big that new posts get pushed off the front page so fast many will not see them. Chucks 2 build log challenge is a great way for some of the people who have been here for a while to get some visibility on some of the new builders. Even a quick "great job" comment does help encourage the builder. Responding to them with a simple thanks in your build log helps complete the circle. It gets even better if you go to their build logs and start leaving likes and comments. The circle gets bigger... As Chuck said p.s. Also linking you current build in you signature makes it significantly easier to people to get to your log. For the original poster I know you are working on the Lady Nelson but with no link I have to now go to the search box and search for your log along with all the other Lady Nelson logs. A link in the signature makes it so much easier
  8. Thanks DelF, Jean-Paul and Jeff. Thank you Chuck! I hope you sell everyone of those. I hope my own meager efforts convince anyone that they can do it and to just take the plunge and get one of these amazing kits
  9. Welcome Mike! there are many of us from the midwest round these parts
  10. I just thought I would put up a few pictures. Just a bit of paint touch up and dusting left
  11. Thank you Glenn. I keep looking at your Cheerful and wonder how I could do anything even close to your neatness Thank you Chuck. This is a FANTASTIC kit! Hope you keep selling these and developing many more
  12. I like that you made the tailboards yourself they look really nice
  13. Looks great! It is so exciting to be getting the masts in and the rigging started. After seeing a master demonstrate the 7-10-7 method I don't think I would ever use anything else
  14. Was able to get the carvings mounted up on some scrap. Remembering to flip one side so they are symmetrical I think they fit very nicely. Initially I thought the color was too light in relation to the cast pieces but in natural light they do match pretty well. Need to clean up some paint spots and then just have to mount it on its base add the rudder/tiller and will be done. I think I am going with a plain case from Casesforcollectables. Not sure they are the same but they look like the ones @Trussben used for his barge and longboat. Will take some nice final pictures when I get a chance.
  15. Glad you are doing a full build log for this. I have been interested in the CLC boats for a while. A few years ago I built a Pygmy kayak and had a great time and learned a ton. I have been trying to get the wife to allow me to go for the Annapolis wherry but so far she’s not having it...
  16. Yup I was so looking forward to the Swan/not-Swan analysis and a look at the other frigates. I know lots of people love the big ones but I definitely like the 5th and 6th rates the best
  17. This is fantastic. The carvings look great and your fit and finish bring out the true beauty of this ship
  18. Looking like it is coming along nicely. I also have a bad reaction to CA and have previously tried to avoid it like the plague. Might have to invest in one of those respirators you talked about.
  19. This looks like a wonderful addition. These books from this publisher have been an excellent resource for our community and will be sorely missed. Wish him well in retirement. (was really hoping that a Rogers III was in the works although that ship has sailed)
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