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Posts posted by bensid54

  1. I think I may have it figured out! As in some images of Charon go he uses a pike pole ( I think that's what they're called) to move his boat slowly up the river Styx. So I thought why not use a pike pole that really isn't, that it would actually be a paddle. I would keep the paddle submerged at all times. How will this work you say? I would have the paddle propel and steer the boat, for movement forward and reverse I would have the paddle 90 degrees to the boat during the power stroke then zero degrees on the return stroke. To steer I would angle the paddle to around 45 degrees to one side or the other of zero paddle angle then the paddle will push water to one side or the other pushing the stern of the boat to one side or the other thereby steering the boat with his pole, I think this could work.

  2. The finished product, one picture shows Allen screws and a wrench, that is for assembling the rack halves. I tried to operate it but forgot how so now I'll have to get that figured out, next time I'll write down how I work this thing. Anyway this is the end of the road as far as building goes but maintenance and sea trials will be next. Thanks to all that commented and gave input, next on the burner will be Charon the boat man of the river Styx!







  3. Part way done on the beach or pond carry case I still have some things like the tool box and beach blocks to make and install then paint everything. I'm going to have to bail out my hobby shed to store it in there, the whole package is too big for my place and I'm sure my wife would have something to say about it (when don't they). The "V" shaped beach blocks will be held to the carry case with Velcro and used to set the Bireme on when preparing for launch the tool box will hold the Allen wrench and rack screws. Still more finishing and hopefully it will be complete before I thought it would be.




  4. Thanks Patrick! I expect to do a couple more videos and there will be more posts. The bulk of those posts will be the finished boat plus the building of the carry case for the Bireme, how it's made what it does and of course a video of the finished Bireme in the pond. I am now building the Bluenose for my wife so I'll likely start a build thread on that. I will be starting the Boat man of the river Styx when the motor arrives and I come up with an idea on how to have him operate a single oar while standing in the stern of his boat. The Boat man will have red LED eyes and below that a Fat Shark camera, I plan on having his head move back and forth and up and down, going to love that build too.

  5. More progress! I'm thinking that I would change what was originally going to be mast base to a pot of quills that way I can still hold down the deck with something that could have possibly been there. The block forward of deck centre will be the mast block where they would put the base of the mast in and give them a lever point to raise the mast against . The space between the rudder and deck rail is there for the boys to leave the centre deck and get off the ship to shore or another vessel for more battle. There is going to be a space between the railing and the bow enclosed railing for the same purpose as the aft space. All this stuff makes sense to me because extra arrows on deck may come in handy because you can never have too many. The mast block makes sense too because of the simple mechanical advantage of it and I'm sure they weren't a bunch of boneheads building these ships so they would know how it would benefit them. The railings would serve two functions A. Stop them from falling overboard too easily B. Give them something sturdy to hang on to as they make their way back and forth. C. Set up and spaced for easy and rapid entering and exiting of the area for warriors and rowers. As I read about the ships of those times I'm getting a better understanding and also the missing info lets me fill in the blanks myself, I just love doing stuff like that. Charon is going to be a real challenge I'm very much looking forward to that one.






  6. I read through that reference and was directed to other information, two key things I learned: 1. The mast was forward of centre for stability and for better control of the vessel. 2. The mast was supported above deck on other ships of the time by a mast box that would allow them to lay the mast down on deck and raise it with minimum difficulty. I do however plan on having the mast and rigging thrown overboard during battle, just the same a mast box would make reinstallation easier for them in that case, my intention is to have my Bireme look as it would when going into battle. On most of the depictions of Biremes and Triremes there were railings on deck to prevent the warriors from falling off plus the bow had railing that was solid from the deck up. The hatch doors for my rowers are made to tip out creating a shield for them if they were to shoot arrows while standing on their seats. So my next steps will be A. make railings. B. make a mast box and mount it forward of centre. C. remove the stand I installed for tying the rigging to and move it further forward. Now my question is what would sit on deck of those ships during the Bronze age that I can use to mount my deck hold down screw in? I thought of shields but would rather not make fifty shields, I don't know did they have boxes to store extra arrows in, what would stay permanently on deck? 

  7. Steven would you know how they made the mast removable? Did they sit in a hole on deck? Were they braced and tied above deck? If there was a hole on deck was it covered with anything? I'd like to know so I can make a battle ready Bireme, as far as I know no one has made a display model of a battle ready Greek Bireme.   

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