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Posts posted by bensid54

  1. This is much better, I had to change the model configuration from airplane mode to helicopter mode H3 which means three servos work in unison on the swash plate. Two of the swash plate channels are being used for the two speed controls on the pitch cycle which inputs each speed control equally on the pitch function. They are influenced to work opposite to each other when you use the elevator/aileron stick which raises one side and lowers the other or speeds one side up over the other. This function will allow the oars to move or go faster on one side or the other  


  2. Thanks for the input Guys! Bob you are right about the speed that can be part of the tweaking I'm going to have to do some rewiring and change the rudders to be more effective so not just radio work to be done. Patrick I bought a fishing rod to retrieve the boat in a more natural setting once I get it stuck on my maiden sea voyage! It's been fun but will be much more fun once I get the bugs worked out. Walter thanks for the compliment this thing has been about a year and a half of dedication so it is almost at the place I want it.

  3. First sailing after completion, a major amount of adjustments needs to be made to the radio such as channel assignment and servo travel. I also need to change the rudder system, so Charon will be put on hold until I get this one perfected. It is at least water tight and the only water that came in was from oar splashing. WARNING: Video is very painful to watch!



  4. Yes belt tension is a concern your idea has merit and is feasible. Another possibility Arthur is he will have a robe and his arms will be covered up to his hands, so with that in mind I can hide a servo near his hands under the sleeves of his robe. I could actually hang it from the paddle and anchor it on his forearm using a pin and guide that way the servo won't restrict his movement.

  5. Thanks Steven it has been a collaboration of AEW and myself to get to this point, he did the first mock up and is responsible for the programing of the Ardiuno board to give it the lifelike motion. Arthur I have been going over the tipping of the paddle and what you suggested regarding a lever on the oar is one of the things I mulled over until last night. The cable idea came to me as you suggested but with a twist, which would be to set it up as a belt and pulley configuration. I can remotely mount the servo with two idler pulleys turning on an axis independent of the elbow and shoulder, tricky but doable. I think I will need to go to the local fisheries supply and get some gillnet repair twine to do the job, that stuff has no give and is about the strongest twine/cable I can use. As far as the oar being on the same plane I like this better because he can be centre of the boat and clear the Starboard side with the oar just like a person would do when rowing a boat standing up. I showed my wife the video all proud of myself and she said " Where's the boat I don't like it it's stupid when are you going to grow up?" I didn't have the heart to tell her that if I haven't grown up by the time I'm sixty I likely won't, sometimes the girl just doesn't get it!

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