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Posts posted by bensid54

  1. Checked out my camera equipment last night and the transmitter creates a fair bit of heat, so I'm going to my hobby shed to find a transmitter with half the mw and see if heat will be a problem with that one. If the other one is still too hot then I will have to come up with a means to cool it, heat exchanger or fan I'm not sure how I can do it. I'm not really fussy about using a fan for fear that it can cause his cape to flutter or be sucked against something when it should be hanging loose. Here is a picture of my Fat Shark camera gear without the goggles in the picture.


  2. Planked Bulwarks at stem and stern then glued vertical poppets on bulwarks. With the first group of poppets I cut them longer than needed and glued them into place, once the glue dried I started cutting them to size with a hobby knife. While cutting them to size I thought this is way too time consuming, so I looked for something better which I found in the form of toe nail clippers. With clippers I could cut them straight and true with very little need for sanding or any other means for that matter to make them fit properly, you can see the end results in the pictures. 




  3. Thanks Bob I saw that one and the more I watch the video the more I pick up, I noticed it has a small battering ram at the bow and is shielded like the Bireme, the stern is loosely based on the Bireme too. For hull style I think I want to go with the type used for Viking ships as I've seen in some renditions. The Ferryman uses the pole to push the boat across the river so my one idea will hold water, I'm really starting to lean in that direction. The Ferryman himself will have all the mechanics and electronics under his robe so I think he will end up being a foot tall which will make the boat almost three feet long.


    uss frolick my favourite of those songs is "Too Much Time On My Hands" back in day I could relate to that song because those were recession years and work was scarce even for a tradesman, my favourite Styx album was "Pieces Of Eight". I'll have to check out that ship you mentioned.

  4. Thanks for the info Steven, I guess like many things stories and legends change or become altered to make them more interesting. I'm looking for the shock factor here. I think it will be great fun to put on the Fat Shark goggles and paddle by people beside the shore and have him look in their direction, red LED eyes and all.


    Thanks jbshan that was the ballpark I was looking for and yes he can be bigger than six feet or even shorter and hunched over. I was also debating whether I should give him a skull and skeleton hands or just have every part of him covered by his cloak except for the LED eyes.


    I'm going to see if I can find pictures of the Charon that they used in the 1981 version of Clash of the Titans so if anyone has any leads that way I would appreciate the help. 

  5. I really have no idea what the scale will be yet Bob, it all depends on the size of the mechanics once I've built them. One thing I would like to know is how big would his boat be so I can get an idea on how big my servos etc. should be. I have a programmable control board on order that should do the trick for paddle angle and a gear reduction motor on order too but I forgot to order the speed control. I may just have the servos do all the motion but that will depend on figuring out how to use the board, lot's of engineering ahead to be sure but I am leaning in the direction of servos.

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