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Everything posted by kirill4

  1. Just Great!!! :))) Michael, rigging line color is too bright, looks like sintetic rope... wont to stain them ?
  2. Dear Bruma! Just Great! Always watching your updates with great interest !!! All The Best!!! Kirill
  3. Michael, Modified main top looks nice! Accurate and proportional in details! All the best!
  4. Good day, One more option... to ommit that( guns) blocks at all...??? Most of classical museum models don't have such details...but just guns...
  5. Good day Michael, Looks great! About old fashion style of sails furling...I ment, part of the furled sail kept vertical, other - along the yard,as could be seen on the pictures...I didnt mean to show lowered top mast ... All the Best! Kirill
  6. What do You think about to show sails furled in old fashion style which will be looks more historic accurately? a few of Kalmar Nykel replica 1625 - very nice rigging, many details suitable for Vasa rigging could be seen and examined!
  7. Oh Yes, indeed !!! Absolutely , Great job!!! Why other half of the hull not glued , not colored out yet?
  8. Good day Michael, Thanks , I see... I thought, when I saw your spritsail top sail yard at place with fitted parral, that You are going to attach sail and relevant riggings afterward ... :))) which will be very complicated... often ,by my experience, much easy to do rigging in reverse order... and sometimes even standing as well , in reverse... Your question about my next project... no , not yet...I went to the sea till april next year, and now far away from my models... just run thoughts in idle... want to assemble airfix Golden Hind galleon, that kit, in 1:74 scale if I'm not mistaken with scale... but I have an Idea to represent it as 1:100 scale galleon/ it will be much bigger ship... make some "modernization" - to add 4th mast, more sails, more guns... finally I want it to look more or less as that famous galleon Elizabeth Jonas model... :)))
  9. Do You want to fitt sail and other rigging when spar already fitted at place? In such case the task will be triple complicated... hm, easiest way to assemble everything(yard,sail blocks all riggings lines) in advance , and than to fitt as assembled unit at place... pls don/t consider as advice ,just my thoughts about process...
  10. Looks nice! Considering scale - just very nice!!! blocks size and shape looks very proportional as well ! All the Best! Kirill
  11. Good day, 1.5 mm block could be printed by demand? they said it even would be less expensive than master-corabel 2.0 mm wooden block ... Some of our experienced colleagues , who has 3d printer and proper skills can easily do that and make offer of such production... may be there is not really problem as I though before :)))
  12. Agree, Good findings! some kind of "stain" makes nice" harmonized " effect when applied ... first I saw it was mentioned in one of Ab Hoving's book, in part where he told about model paintings,he told about colored artistic varnish, applyed all over model as final touch... I used for this purpose very thin deluted in thiner coal-tar varnish... it makes also some brawnish patina effect, very good looks on gold painted areas...
  13. To imitaite gravity force when rope passes trough block ,and make it not looks loosened, a small drop of CA gel could be used... wet by CA gel a piece of thread which will pass trough the block hole , pull it trough the hole a little ,and than hold tightly by fingers for a few sec in desired directions...
  14. Good day Michael, I see... than I could wish You be lucky with using original plastic spars... if You will manage to make standing righings " straight" without applying any or very light tensions on them, it would be very nice! There could be helpfull to paint ropes before use them on model, and keep them hanging under weight a few days...oil paint deluted with oil when polimerized will make thread as kind of soft wire, which could hold straight shape with min. load...
  15. Good day! It is going to be very nice model! I liked your paintings and rigging very much!... if not too late, there is real sense to replace bowsprit and masts and may be top masts as well for the "wooden material"... leaving original plastic yards and masts there would be a big risk of their deterioration/bending during standing rigging phase... replacing for the wood or other strong materials gradually will improve situation... :))) especially bowsprit \ which will be loaded(even with smallest possible load of fore stays) with all fore stays , spritsail top sail backstay and without bobstays in that period- this is really most of weak points in this respect... when it curved up on the model with spritsail topsail declined aft, it will looks not nice... All the best ! Kirill
  16. Dear Bruma, These two, I liked most of all!!! Looks like real things!!! Great job !!!
  17. Good day, Dear Max , some time ago I saw this beautiful building https://shipsofscale.com/sosforums/threads/pinnace-papegojan-1627-1-48-completed-build.7055/ If You didn't know about it already ... there are a lot of interesting and useful details for the model of 17th vessel could be seen...
  18. same pictures in higher resolution... on my galleon model I did it (rudder pendants) same as You did ... later on I found info that it was not correct and need to be redone... but I didn't yet do it.
  19. Good day Max, Your job is great! All looks nice! However couple small local (which caught my eyes) remarks... regarding deck gratings planks orientation and two openings in the square transom, which You used for rudder pendant, as I knew , they used for ship boat tow ropes, but for rudder pendants used other locations...
  20. Dear Michael! Will tell again - Just fantastic , how Your model looks like!!! I love your work very much! All the best! Kirill
  21. Good day Jeff, I understood your idea about furling topsails, how You wanted to show them... This is russian navy" Shtandart" replica , which is on your example, but this is 18th century vessel ,if I not mistaken...doubt if it could be goodcas example for thr Revenge model... more close/ suitable examples for your model, could be Kalmar Nykel replica of 1625...or Duyfken or Mayflower II replicas .... there are many photos of them in the net, and they are in good resolution ,and many details of the rigging could be seen and examined... also they shown in different stages of sails managing... full set, half furled, etc... All the best! Kirill Ps Did You consider to show main sails half furled and other sails full setted...something as demonstrated on this model/ by the way - very good example of many details for Revenge model... I could say, for both models it was used the same base for reconstruction... and they are very similar in appearance :))) https://collection.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/objects/co40957/elizabethan-galleon-elizabeth-jonas-model-representation
  22. Gh and Revenge in a " little bit " different vessels , in tonnage, sizes, righing ,years of build , etc... could be no sence to mix them in one building... ?
  23. Good day, But this is Revenge built,isn't it? ... not GH... hm...not sure why we are talking about GH here? Is there special GH building report?
  24. There is the picture 2A in Harland's book, as example old fashion furling topsails and one else... You didn't fit gaskets at all... not on the main yard nor on the top or mizzen... it will be difficult to manage sails furling without such important elements...
  25. Good day Jeff, Your model is going to be a very nice galleon! I have some remarks from my side ,but I'm afraid they are too late , about the way how You demonstrated topsails furling on your galleon ... I don't think I will tell something new, just some remarks regarding sails handling in this period... Topsails yards, when sails were going to be furled, need to be lowered at most possible lower position - to the mast-head... when they shown hoisted up, but sails shown in process of furling, it looks a bit unnatural... and topsails themselves , in 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries , they were usually furled in a little bit different way,as I could understand .. Partially they were rolled and secured to the respective yard but main body of the sail used to be furled vertically and secured under the topsail yard vertically as well ... Later on, during next half of the 17th and on, when topsails became less trapezoidal shape, top and top-gallants sails furled and secured completely under the respective yards... all these about sails furling etc. clearly and in details explained in J.Harland book "Seamanship in the age of sails"... All the best! Kirill
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