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Everything posted by kirill4

  1. Greetings all looking at the light ... ... somehow everything is slowly going on, but still a little thing is moving ... The greenish color on the stern shield was replaced by the royal blue as colleagues advised, railings and wales in the work still, as well as the decor of the sturncastle will still turn yellow (gilded) In the process ... feed so far so much ... on the model decor is assumed to be with gilding ... Eh, I love this business ))! In reality, of course it was different, mostly imitation of gold by suitable colors ... the general concept of coloring and appearance - by the "motives" of this English. Galeon All the best !!!
  2. Good day Tim, I understood now your choice of the sails bright color :))) You could try some acrylic paints to hide that burnt area, but again, first try on some piece of fabric,how it works, not straight on the model... Just for information, as far as I know, for securing boat on deck, lashing must be setted in different way, it should run from board to board over the boat, but it never fitt to cross the boat in diagonal patern, like You shown... All the best ! Kirill
  3. :))) Bill ... my mind occupated with same thigs... :))) what to do with it... I feel a little bit easy when finished painting of its stern... at least how it could be in my imagination, but what are your ideas ? about this kit ? All The Best!!! Kirill
  4. Hello Tim, I would like to recommend to stain them all... now the color of your sails is tooo,tooo bright for the galleon model... from my point of vew it should be 3-5 times darker in color... You could use stains which used for wood works ... it could be some kind of yellowish green brownish ochre colors... even deluted artists oil paints could be used for sails coloring, just find the mix of colors You would like ?conventional artist thiner could be used as welll... But! first try on some piece of cloth , how it will work and how You like desired effect or not. Also diluted bitumen laquer , deluted in "white spirit" thiner works very well both on wood and fabric as well!... this burnt area, try to wash it just by under water fall and by tooth brush ... ivory color for the galleon sails ///hm/// I very doubt it would be suitable color for this period... but it is just my private opinion of couse... Entire body of your model could stained in a few degree darker than it is presently, it need to be in some kind gomogenised with the sails color ... there are a few fragments from Ab Hoving books about model paintings and picture of galleon from my collection... to clarify what Im talking about of galleon colors ... All the Best! Kirill
  5. I welcome the respected community, |There is a small continuation ... I'm glad to say that I determined finally with the design of the stern ... it was drawn/but rather painted simply in the "Paint "program (which I'm capable to work with of so to speak)), I wanted to visualize the final option ... it turned out that it is based on Vroom arts... this is of course not 100 % characteristic coloring of english galleon of Elizabeth 1 period , but rather more for the begining of the17th century, but since I decided that I will not strictly follow the historical and technical "millimeters" I did it in this way ... sorry for that ,but in some way there is a kind of "proof", that the end of the 16th century is a transition period of changing between geometric and floral ornaments can serve this well -known picture. .. and as one more example - the reconstruction of engl.galleon from famous Peter Kirsch book , where geometric elements in the ornament are not at all observed ... so so far ... so far ... With the design of the sidewall , it is not finalized yet... will be continue soon... Wish all of you all the best!!! Kirill
  6. Good day, I'm very doubt that two wheel cannons were used on SR... interesting, why do You want to find information about SR 2wheel canons? All the best ! Kirill
  7. Good day, Dear Eric, May be there is sence to make them in 2 or 3 passes? Like first to make whole body as a base...when curved, than to add some small fine details As tails, head ,fins etc....? Like to apply a layer by layer? Than, When one " dolphins" will be ready complitely, than to use it as the sample to make patern to duplicate all the rest,as much as you need in epoxy or other suitable stuff ? All the best! Kirill
  8. Congratulations Peter! Good job You have done, some of the moments of Your building were quite unusual , such as making running rigging first and then shrouds :))) but all in all ended good as I could see... All the Best! Kirill
  9. 😁.... its not russian script- most likely brothers ukranian
  10. Good day... Dear Jake, Oh yes, You are right... I was thinking about it as well, You are right that idea to redo main deck is near impossible ... it sounds like new complete deck need to be made with correct location of gratings ,etc., but it is may be too much for this kit... All the best! Kirill
  11. Good day, Dear Jake Groby, Your assembling of this model is very accurate, but may I ask You, what happend with location of gratings and why it was not corrected ? Why they are off from the center line? It could not be like that by any standarts of the former and present times... never saw such arrangements of gratings location before... it looks like very" interesting" idea invented by kit maker :))) All the best ! Kirill Ps I could suggest that locations of the belaying points for running rigging are typical for this period and sails plan and could be borrowed from any suitable reconstructions of the similar small galleons - such as Susan Constant , Mayflower II or Golden Hind replicas... Our collegues on this site, recently allready created a few great models of the similar sizes of the galleons as Mayflower and You could use belaying diagramms of this models for making running rigging for your own model?
  12. Good day Marc, She looks fantastic good!!! :))) Regarding haul-in tackles/ haul-out tackles ...I read somewhere, that the same set of tackles was used for both purposes , haul in and out...depends on situation, they were fast detachable... means no need to show both of haul-in tackles/ haul-out tackles in the same time... All the best! Kirill
  13. Good day, Dear Michael, In your #154 You mentioned "... Le Rochefort 1787 that has them but rigged entirely different,..." Interesting information... do You have some pictures , to see, how they made this arrangements.... from other side, if consider bowsprit as the mast,but only fitted under the angle, it sgould have all set of standart rigging including shrouds, but in case of SOS this arrangment is uniq! :))) All the Best! Kirill
  14. "bowsprit shroud exercise is completed "- I would like to say, they look very good!!! As I could see, this is the only one ship in the world , with this specific arrangements like bowsprit shrouds?
  15. Good day, Dear Peter, Consider replacement ,in advance, if necessary, some of "critical" parts of spars - I replaced bowsprit for wooden stick( for artist brush handle of suitable size)... the rest of spars ( masts and yards)in my kit ( it was chinese kit in my case) were of suitable hardness and I left them w/o replacement. All the best! Kirill
  16. Good day, Dear Peter, Wish You all the Best and interesting works , findings and positive emotions during building this model! This kit , by my opinion, offers very wide range of posibilities , how it could be assembled!:))) When I began my version, I was a few years under impression of this work, one of our german colleques https://www.wettringer-modellbauforum.de/forum/index.php?page=Thread&postID=600158&highlight=Galleon#post600158 Wish You All the Best! Kirill
  17. Good day Michael, Looks really great !!! I' m keep watching with great interest! All the best! Kirill
  18. Good day , Dear friends, Here is my final version of decoration for this model - decorative elements and their composition were borrowed from different art sources.
  19. Good day! Dear Tomasz, Please check https://www.segelschiffsmodellbau.com/t6619f952-Alternative-Rekonstruktion-der-GOLDEN-HIND-10.html There could be interesting information ... if You go through various reports , there is even model which was made on these researches based on alternative version of GH... - see construction report section... There are a lot of pictures ( plates)with rigging details and belaying points as well... but need to be registered on that site...
  20. Good day Patrick, Thank You! I will try to do it a little bit faster than previous one :)))!!! ... at least, I already have 3D printed set of all necessary blocks, and recently received set of a few caliber s of guns - sets of barrels and carriages... ship's boat I have - this is "medival boat from" Zvezda" " which I wanted to convert into galleon boat... decks I think need to be reffited and make from instant noodles plastic conteiners, masts I planned to make from additional set for galleon Revenge - that one made by Shipyard... also planned to use some plastick sticks by Evergreen.... Decor elements I think I will order by 3 D prints as a basic set, and than to replicate each elements / them , by using some two components modeling staff ... so to speak, have everything for starting and continue this project exept time as usual :))) Wish You All The Best!!!
  21. Great!!! Can't believe my eyes how You manage all these in such miniature sizes!!!
  22. Good day, I have found this resource interesting , there are a few pictures of Mayflower II https://plimoth.org/plan-your-visit/explore-our-sites/mayflower-ii
  23. All these performed examples are good... but, consider ,there are a few realy arrangements things which they works , on the full size vessels... Batavia replica, and Swain ( W.Barents ship replica) ... but how it was arranged on MF replica? Dave, If You will found something interestings, please give us actual arrangements of MF replica as it shown on the photoes..? This part of connecting fore stay and bowsprit and MS tay and F mast sray znd bowsprit ??? There must be here a lot of pictures of this thing in the internet....? ... may be there would be a photos of Susan Constant replica pictures, Half Moen replica, Golden Hind replica and so on .?where we could see later on such their rigging details and so on... that would be very interesting! All The Best ! Kirill
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