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Posts posted by clearway

  1. Put the 1/35 half tracks n trucks to one side and give Erebus some attention- anyone familiar with Occre kits will know the snap shut compartment trays for the fittings, well this afternoon the trays for Erebus and Endurance somehow slipped off the shelf under the worktops and split asunder on the floor in the same place !!@$$****! 

    Back with shipyard tasks and have installed the warping drums on the windlass (still need stained/ varnished) and made a start on the bow plating- like with Terror i am using self adhesive copper tape as opposed to the aluminium sheets supplied by Occre.




    Take care everyone and thanks for looking in





  2. thanks for looking in- have been catching up with some 1/35 armour builds as a break from shipbuilding but have made the windlass barrel and added the ratchet wheels for the warping drum pawls to the outside of the cheeks - still need to fashion the warping drums though. The metal bitts atop the cheeks are made from brass strip worked with needle nose pliers and some washers. I think they added the metal bitts when they changed from rope anchor cable to chain as when anchored the chain would be looped over the bitts to hold it in place so metal would be more durable.


    take care all



  3. What a glorious spring say today😁 though apparently it is supposed to rain all the rest of the week😞. Back with Erebus and have made a start on the windlass- like my terror i have removed the wooden knees and added the wrought iron ones actually fitted- on Terror i used two L shaped off cuts of ply from the ply fittings- this time i have used some brass strip salvaged from my scrap pile and blackened with Birchwood Casey brass black, the fastenings are yet once more cut down Peco track pins.

    Also filed out the hole in the bowsprit cap for the jib boom and started on said jib boom (at least i already have all the spar dimensions from building Terror).




    On Friday last went down to the steam gala at Keighley can't believe its a year since last one....woooosh)!

    Great Western Railway Witherslack Hall


    Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway "ironclad" 


    Take care all and thanks for looking in





  4. Thanks for the likes and looking in everyone- Erebus has her name on the stern😁- Occre did supply a nice etched nameplate but i wanted to keep her in the same vain as my Terror. Also the taff rail has been added.



    Moving to the bows the end of the bowsprit has had the end squared off and an new cap scratchbuilt as the occre one has a circular hole which is way to big for the mortice and tenon joint- the cap still needs sanded to shape and the hole for the jib boom widened.



    Finally couldn't resist a photo of her beside my finished Terror- polar queens re-united!


    Take care all




  5. Thanks for the likes and looking in- yey the days are slowly but surely getting longer where daylight is concerned😁.In between last minute gardening jobs before spring gets here managed to do some more work on Erebus, the skylight for the captain's cabin is finished and the wardroom skylight just needs some sanding done. Also made the small platform between the hatch and skylight where the capstan will fit, and glued the fashion pieces either side of the transom. Have dry fitted everything made so far regards deck fittings/ hatches etc to see how it all looks.





    Take care all



  6. Coming along nicely Tom- i have seen drawings with a cover over the steering chains with a slot for the chains to come through the sides.


    regards bringing the anchors in board the davit you see lying on the deck would be to raise the flukes inboard and would have rigged a block and tackle to the fore topmast head to bring the anchor in if memory serves me right.



  7. Work continues with the skylights and also finished the accommodation hatches (used walnut as opposed to the occre supplied veneer) and ye olde faithful Peco track pins for door handles. The smaller skylight is nearing completion and started on the bigger skylight. Also used Amati supplied cast elm tree pumps for the ones just behind the forward most hatch (occre shows these as skylights).



    take care all



  8. Thanks for the likes as always and looking in- have started the smaller of the two skylights using the existing carcass which is basically sound. First i took one of the shorter sides and removed the uprights for the roof then rebated and added acetate and a piece of thin strip so i could glue wooden frames to wood (think pictures explain better) - then moved to next longer side and repeated- when finished the window frames should support the roof. When the window frames are finished i will add some horizontal strips top and bottom to add strength.




    take care all



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