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Everything posted by schnu

  1. Thats amazing, but he seems the cheeks look very skinny, maybe its just the shadows tho
  2. I hope that it looks worse then it is and that you find a solution
  3. hello there I will just be here in the corner and hope to learn a thing or two, hope you don't mind staliing your buildlog
  4. I am sure that if the son and his father from whom you got this kit see the ship now they will be amazed by their failure and your succes,
  5. Okay thanks, I shall try it then, if I fail I guess I can still just redoo the second planking. thanks for the tips.
  6. Does someone have an Idea on how to cut those squares out, they are 4x4mm and 6 mm deep, I didn't make them earier. Should I even make them, because cutting out the gunport was already annoying, the wood supplied in the kit tends to splitter... I'm not sure what to do
  7. Thank you, eve tho I noticed I didn`t red through your build with enough attention, as in page one you already told how to build the workstand, so I am sorry if I have caused any time loss for the reply you wrote =/. I like how you place those wood strips to simulate the frame of the ship. look good.
  8. Wow, I looked once on the occre website the trinidad, but I didn't like it beacause of the stern, but this is just amazing
  9. Just a last question about the workstand if you don't mind, how do you make it once the ship is plsnked?
  10. Looks impressive, the ship looks antique, how di you olden the hull planking, did it come like this because of the stain you used?
  11. Looks good, I guess I will build a workstand too for my next build, it seems to be a good idea. Onced finish planking, are you going to make a new workstand? Normally I prefer buildlogs about big ship (lots of cannons and stuff) but this seems like a nice scale for detail, which bigger boats have in a more moderate amount for obvious reasons. I was wondering if your company had an internet site?
  12. I just read trough your build (well not everything, but almost). Are you going to make the whole masts and rigging, because the dipslay case seems a little small for the full rigging. The little boats you made look great, but if you are going to expose them on the side of the ship, wouldn`t it be better if you made all 10 rudders? (Not sure if I informed myself wrong, I only did a quickread of the build and will read it throughout tomorrow.) It looks really interesting
  13. So I am back, I couldnt do much as I had visit and its the end of the schoolyear, where there are many exams =/. Anyway I had the ocasion of cleaning y workspace, so here is a photo of it. (Not really the most apropriate place, but it does just fine for me) But now to the actuall build. In the last post I told about the problem of the kit. I was looking a little at some buildlogs and I was quite impressed by the decoration of the inside cabin, So I told myself that I would try it too. So I went on and placed the brass stern, note that normally there would be a wood piece behind the brass, but I just wanted to see if the windows are in the right posision. To my surprise the windows are way too high, first I thought I had done an error, so I looked at the plans, but everything seems right, I really can`t understand why occre would do such an error. So I guess I will try too scratch build the stern. I noticed that The roof of the cabin is a little low (around 1.5m or 4.9 feet for those who prefer it). So I shall do some modifications. Finally I got two books about model ship building and a little hand drill.
  14. I don`t know if its too late, but I`ve got some fotos which might be interesting. Those are from the book: Historische Schiffsmodelle Das Handbuch der Modellbauer by Wolfram zu Mondfeld
  15. Thanks for the ideas, I think I will just put wood on it, as I don`t have any idea how to scratch build it. For the colours its really weird, I gooogled a bit and found different cholor schemes, does that mean that the ship probably didn`t exist? I also found one major issue in the plans of the ship, occre really messed that point up, will post about it tomorrow, as its a little complicated to explain. But anywy it seems that my modell will not be historical accurate, which is a little disapointment, but as long as I finish the modell it will be an acomplishment which is good enough for me.
  16. Wow, this will be a huge project then, much room for detail. Did you plan inner decoration/lightning? Even tho you already glued everything in place
  17. I just read trough your log, I am impressed with the canno rigging, looks amazing.
  18. Wow, it`s amazing what you did from that old kit, I woudn`t have touched it, it looks unrepareable from the first picture. I am impressed, that you took on the chalenge, I really love the painting work. I can`t wait to see how the finished model will come out.
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