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Everything posted by rshoker

  1. Turning 65 and cleaning out my stash. I cannot build them all if I live to 120! Flying Cloud is in new condition, but old,old box. Yellowing plans. never started, appears complete. It is heavy, so I will pay half of actually shipping cost. Payment by PayPal (goods and services) only. Please PM for my cell. Shipping from SW Ohio. Local pickup ok. $400. Thanks for considering. Randy
  2. Turning 65 and cleaning out my stash. I cannot build them all if I live to 120! Bellona is in new condition, never built. It is heavy, so I will pay half of actually shipping cost. Payment by PayPal (goods and services) only. Please PM for my cell. Shipping from SW Ohio. Local pickup ok. $400. Thanks for considering. Randy
  3. Fabulous so far. I built a scratch model of a 688 in the 1980,s using the floating dry docks plan in 1/96th scale. They told me at the time the nose shape was a guess as the boats were still hush hush when the plans were drawn. Sadly in hindsight the bow was not nearly sharp enough. I am half tempted to turn a new nose for her, but frankly then I would want to redo the whole thing. Too many other projects on the shelf. Loved how you have documented your project so far. Good luck on the conversion, seems like a job for adobe illustrator and a good color printer! Looking forward to the rest of your build!
  4. I use gel and thin superglue. For photo etch I tack on with white pva glue, after it sets I apply a beat of thin super glue. I do keep plastic weld, Tamiya and good old testers tube glue for the occasional use where Superglue would be less than optimal. Good luck with your build!
  5. I just bought this one as well. It might be a good candidate to set in water with LEDs. Quality is up to Flyhawk's awesome standards.
  6. Looking forward to starting this project. I need sometime to use my antique Rabone boxwood rulers on!
  7. Uhggggg, yes, tomorrow never comes for those projects. I am doing another "Swedish Death Cleaning sort" for my wife's benefit of my massive kit stash. Of course, I have the giant Nichimo Yamato and all of the Fujmi replacement fixes. I probably should post some of my kits for sale here. Of course, if Trumpy really wants to sell a zillion kits a 1/200 Kongo or any American cruiser would likely do very well. I might even build a USS Houston!
  8. What a fabulous build. Thank you so much for sharing. Love the maple base in the case. Nice touch.
  9. Anyone have any idea on the USN’s sanitary arrangements on mid 19th century ships. I know that the shift to the “round” bow still allowed for seats of ease forward. Specifically, I am thinking of the Brig USS Perry. I am building a semi scratch version from an old Boucher (pre blue jacket hull). Both the Boucher and Blue jacket plans show a bow with no gratings or seats of ease. There are no visible facilities anywhere. I am not sure there would not have still been a grating at the bow with a head. But I am certainly not an 19th century expert. The excellent PDF on seats of ease that was posted on this forum seems to leave open the possibility of a grating with seats of ease in 1843. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Thank you.
  10. This build log was a fantastic help to me as I get back into model building, and picking up a several year old project of the Brig Perry. I bought the pre Blue Jacket Boucher hull and decided to have a go at it. Picking up a project after it has lain dormant for years has been a bit of a challenge. But thanks to this community of builders, I will give it another go. Thanks for taking the time to share your talent and methods.
  11. Pin for a door knob! great Idea, solved a problem on a semi scratch build I am working on, Thanks!
  12. What scale is the Scientific Sea Witch? I know the marine models a is 1/96 th scale. Thank you, Randy
  13. I just received your HMS Alert. Thanks for the super fast and very reasonable shipping across the pond. I cannot believe the quality of the kit, especially at its price point—just a fabulous job. Thanks so much.  Randy

  14. Great Advice. I need a break from my 1/700 scale battleship fleet and am turning to wood. I have put on hold my Model Expo USS Constitution because it occurred to me I was in over my head. I had started a semi-scratch build of the Brig Perry (right before Bluejacket re-released the voucher kit!) and decided to go back to that before tackling a plank on bulkhead project.
  15. Hey Crew, Cleaning out my model stash in preliminary downsizing for an eventual retirement move. Would rather sell my kits to people who might build them vs eBay. Where should I list kits and what is the protocol? Thanks, Rshoker
  16. Clay, thanks for doing such a nice job logging you build. I am starting a steel navy project, the C class cruiser HMS Caroline. I would love to get info from NMM. How difficult was the process In obtain them? Thanks Randy
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