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  1. I saw in an old post a reference to plans by Portia Takakjian of the Victorine.  I have been trying to figure out how to get a set of her plans.  I have an old kit from Marine Models and the plans are ok.  I also have a book of Hudson River sloops that has a small copy of her plans.  They look excellent.   I would like the full size version if possible.   I also suspect there were additional sheets they did not publish. Any help you could provide,  pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.  Thank you.  Mark. 

  2. Thanks to everyone for answering my question I will have a look at Ab Hoving's log.
  3. Hello, i have recently come to wonder about how the extremely bluff prows (and sometimes rear sections) of dutch vessels like the galiot are to be planked correctly. On most british or frensh vessels a normal plank seems to end on either the stem or the stern (or even both if we use a single plank). On some vessels (like the Master Korabel St Gabriel at least some planks end in the wales, presumably because of the extreme angels involved. Is this something specific to certain boats or merely a simplification? added pictures for the Master Korabel St. Gabriel
  4. Thanks for the answer. The problems that frames which have been reconstructed from the waterlines do not fully match the frames given by the monograph as well as inconsistencies between different plans of a single set are something i have experienced far too often with some of the more recent Ancre monographs. In the age of cad software this should no longer happen.
  5. What a beautiful start for a beautiful boat. Allow me a question. Most of the recent Ancre plans left me somewhat (or in some cases, very) disapointed. How is this one? Was it easy to draw the frames or did you had to correct much?
  6. I would like to highly recommend the book. It is rather thorough, has nice drawings and photographies and the english translation appears to be well done as well.
  7. Did you exchange the longitudinal stop with something more accurate?
  8. This might be the worst global pandemic since the spanish flu a hundred years ago so a certain level of alertness is advisable. Northern Italy is a rather horrible example of how bad it can get very quickly. Still, hoarding toilet paper might not be the best solution
  9. I understand the rationale for choosing Bismarck but tbh, it is a rather common and not terribly exciting subject.
  10. Where can Mr. Rivera's plans be purchased? There isn't very much about spanish vessels in the usual (that is, english, french and german writing) sources and i would be quite interested in some good plans of the spanish navy.
  11. I would advise against the AL pilot boat. It might have been a decent kit in the past but i recently bought the "renewed" version and was quite dissapointed. The wood is rather cheap, it has too few bulkheads and only a single layer of planks (which requires filling which isn't exactly beginner friendly) and the keel shaper was warped and too thin for it's size.
  12. Hobby Boss is boss. I have two of their 1:35 kits (the soviet T37 and a soviet AT1 prototype ). Both are of excelent quality but can have some fiddly bits.
  13. So, during the Holidays i had another look at the plans and contacted Mr. Fissore who found no problem with them. Well, perhaps it is me but unless i realy need new glasses then quite a few things are seriously off here. If anyone with a bit more experience than me could comment if i am right or just blind it would be most welcome. (i received this file from Mr. Fissore, 4 and 7 AV/AR are his insertions, the other measuring lines are mine) PL. 1 -- 1÷12 -- 310 x 680 -- 19-12-2018 modified.pdf
  14. The discrepancy was between the frames (as well as the body plan) and the waterlines at 1:12. Something about the waterlines ist seriously off. They appear to be less wide than they should, which makes it difficult to create the ( sadly missing) bevel lines. Truthfully, i am at a loss here. Either i missed something or Fissore realy messed up.
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