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Everything posted by mtdoramike

  1. Tell me about it, sometimes I question my sanity as well, especially when the initial builder does such a poor job and try and salvage the unsalvageable. mike
  2. I have an opportunity to pick up an orphaned Dumas Typhoon mahogany runabout for the cost of shipping from a fellow builder, who received it as well but isn't interested in building it. he says he things all the parts are there, but who knows, it's a shot in the dark and a bit of a gamble. But I tend to be my own worst enemy at times and a really glutton for punishment. So, we'll see how it goes. But this is one of those kits I would LOVE to build. I had planned to retire from modeling with maybe an occasional small build here and there, but since heart surgery they have been finding me like stray puppies following me home from school.
  3. I built the Billings Danmark several years ago and it was one of my all time favorites to build. It was a pleasure to build, but it wasn't nearly as stunning as yours, man that is a real beauty.
  4. Me three, I love Tamiya kits. This should be fun.
  5. Thanks CD, here is a few updated pics of the Ratlin Rita, she is almost finished, with just a few odds and ends to take care of.
  6. Back up for sale: 1930 Chris Craft Mahogany Runabout, it will come receiver ready, all you have to install is your own receiver and battery, I have it setup for 3s-4s lipo, but you can add any battery you want. It's the large 36 inch model. It has a brushed FMA 850 can motor, brushed speed controller, metal geared servo. It will be done within the next two weeks, so if anyone is interested in the Ratlin Rita, PM me. Now, I'm willing to ship this boat IF, the buyer is willing to pay the shipping cost and the packing materials, which could run as high as $100.00 depending on where you are located, such as California, west or Midwest. I'm selling this model for less than what the unbuilt kit cost, which is about $400.00, running gear, I have another $100.00 or so in her, not to mention $75.00-$100.00 in building materials, labor to build her was well over 225 hours. The Ratlin Rita is $375.00.
  7. WOW, that looks like a pretty good piece of work you have there, but a 200 year old model to me would be such a honor to do the repairs. Good luck on her and I wish you the best on her. If I had the extra cash, I would have been quite tempted on your Prince, I do love Constructo kits. But like you, I have a few others waiting there turn.
  8. Thank you Nils, it was a total blast finishing her up. The Queen is a fun build and who knows I might do another one of these days.
  9. Here is some pictures of the Creole Queen that the new owner sent to me sitting in her new home
  10. Thanks guys, Rita will be finished in the next couple of weeks, a little fine tuning here and there, installing the running gear and putting on the final touches.
  11. I have had a couple of pm's regarding the installation of the graphic. I sealed the stern as with the entire hull with epoxy resin, then applied the vinyl graphic to the stern and then sealed it with a couple of thin coats of clear coat epoxy resin. Rita ain't going any where, but she can be covered with a thin mahogany veneer and epoxied over. Or you can sand and sand and sand until you remove the graphic, but that would near about be criminal. If she don't get your motor hummin then you better check your ticker. I hope to have the Ratlin Rita finished within the next couple of weeks if any interest in buying her, I will be listing her on the classifieds.
  12. The decals are vinyl printed on transfer paper and are a peel and stick. I didn't print it, I purchased it from another forum member.
  13. Well here is the finished stern of the Ratlin Rita. Ain't she purdy? Don't go falling in love with her now unless you got the cash hahahaha.
  14. Your right CD, I had a senior moment, I know they were love bugs, I have been dealing those bugs since the late 60's.
  15. By the way, I have decided to go with the 2oz cloth, which will be strong enough, I found the 4oz to be a bit too heavy. Now had I built the Ratlin Rita to keep, I would not have used fiber glass cloth to strengthen it. To me, its a wasted step unless the substructure is a light wood like balsa, but the substructure of this kit was plywood. Once it's coated with 4 coats of resin, you could drop it off of a building and probably wouldn't have a leak. But since it's going up for sale, I would go the extra effort.
  16. I decided yesterday that would lay down some fiber glassing on the Ratlin Rita, but as I usually do before starting a fiber glassing project, I will use a piece of scrap wood and practice a bit if its been several months since I had last done it. I did some fiber glassing on the scrap board with both 4oz and 2oz cloth. When I finished with the scrap wood, I went inside for dinner as was preparing to glass the Rita when I noticed the scrap of wood was full of Lady bugs. I didn't see a one of those damn bugs when I went inside, but within an hour they managed to find the scrap wood and get stuck in the resin. Now had that been the Ratlin Rita, that would have made a preacher cuss and especially me since I ain't no preacher. So Glassing will have to go for another day.
  17. I got the hatches all planked and sealed with resin. I'm getting ready to start laying fiber glass in a day or three. Boy she is looking sweet.
  18. Here is my opinion, buy what you want and build what you want as long as you have these forums as a resource because no matter your furniture wood building experience, which helps, it's not quite the same. I'll tell you your first major pitfall will be planking the hull. So you should look for the best hull planking tutorial book you can find, also check these forums out for planking tutorials, you will need them. So good luck on your first build. Great ship kit review James.
  19. I have seen the Constructo version of the HMS Prince finished and it is absolutely beautiful. I love Constructo kits and have built several of them and have found the materials to be of first rate quality, especially the woods supplied. If I knew someone who wanted one of these built, it might have been enough to get me to devote enough time to build another tall ship model. Why not build both and see which one of the two kits turns out a better model?
  20. Thanks you Russ, one good thing about donating it, if you donate it to a public institution like a local library, it's kind of like the best of both worlds. You get the pleasure of building such a grand model, you gain a world of experience from the build as well as the research needed, but you don't have to worry about where to display such a beast. Plus you can go by and visit the model when ever you like. I don't even get a tax write off on the donations because I don't claim it for tax deduction purposes. I feel after building over 40 ship models over the years not to mention R/C planes and boat, this is just my way of giving back a little to the world that has for the most part been pretty kind to me. It also doesn't hurt any if the donated item goes to a worthy cause like the Hospital where I had open heart surgery and the beneficiary will be the Cardio Rehab center where I'm spending quite a bit of time lately. It's mainly a few bucks, a whole lot of fun and enjoyment and quite a bit of labor.
  21. Russ, that is a good deal and a beautiful case mahogany or not, and I would have been proud to have built something similar for the Montanes. But, building a 36 inch display case is a far cry from building a 55 inch display case. Just the polycarbonate or plexiglass for such a display case would cost about $400.00 alone, not to mention the wood and time frame to build the case. So to me, If I'm going to invest better than half the cost to build a display case white pine or oak, not including the hours spent building it, the cost of $1000.00 is minimal. When I figured what it would cost me to build that size of a display case was going to be between $600.00-$700.00. Now glass would have been cheaper than plexi, but would have not been an option for this size of a display case, the weight alone would have been problematic not to mention the safety issues of that much glass around children.
  22. Well here is the latest developments on the Montanes Hospital donation, While doing my cardio rehab this morning, there was a film crew present at the Rehab center. They wanted to do an interview with me regarding my cardio rehab experience as well as the donation that I plan on making to the hospital gala in February. They plan on airing the interview at the gala and ask that I attend since I'm making the donation. I was first off taken back by all this, I did the interview and they seemed happy with it, but I hadn't planned on going to the gala, which is a big kado black tie tux type of event. So we'll see how it goes, I told them I didn't want a big deal made out of this, but no one listens. This just goes to show that no good deed goes unpunished.
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