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Everything posted by mtdoramike

  1. I'm sorry to hear of your loss and quite understand the sentimental feeling regarding the model since I'm sure your husband loved the model. It's a shame we are not closer, I may possibly have considered the opportunity to make the Morgan whole again and bring you a little closer to your loved one. I have restored models in a lot worse shape than this, but this one would be a fairly easy fix. Hopefully someone will step up and take on the challenge.
  2. Thanks Knock, I definately do for sure, but The doctor wouldn't even let me sand or cut wood up till a week ago even with a N95 mask. He preferred I didn't do it at all, but if I did, he wanted me to wear one of those respirator mask with the two filter canisters on the sides of the mask. I wear one of those when working with fiberglass, but sanding and wood cutting, it would be a bit much.
  3. Same here, I just felt like I had no energy at all for nearly a month. I wasn't allowed to do much of any hobby stuff like sanding due to the dust, which was fine by me since I didn't really feel like it anyway. But now I'm back ready to kick butt and take a few names.
  4. Thanks Bob. I'm finally making some progress on the Corsaro and finally bouncing back after Covid, which took me nearly a month to start feeling better.
  5. got the hull all puttied up and sanded smooth. I had to back up and punt a bit because after planking the hull, I noticed on the plans and instructions that the top plank was supposed to be dropped 4mm or so below the deck.
  6. Fantastic work so far, looking forward to more pictures of progress.
  7. I built the Nordkap a couple of years ago. There is no issue drilling the hull for the prop shaft, which I did after the hull was planked. I would highly recommend using the fiberglass cloth as well as resin for the hull, (I used 2 oz cloth). If the hul were plywood sheets, you could get away without the cloth, but with the wood planking, you will need the cloth for strength if you want it to last.
  8. The Docter said I have to wait another week or so before I can start any major sanding like the hull to allow my lungs to heal from the Covid or else wear one of those resperator type dusk mask. Here in Florida with temps hitting 97-98 is not an option.
  9. I got the deck house all sanded and started laying the deck planking down.
  10. Blaine, you must have been Ebay shopping, that is about the only place I have seen either of these kits being offered. There is some good news and some bad news here, the good news is you got some cheap kits. The bad news is there are much better representations of those ships in kits these days. The Model Shipways Dapper Top is a step above the Marine Model kit, but barely. I have built a few Marine Model kits in the past mainly because I got them cheap and yes, they built into decent models with a lot of work, but once I finished them, I regretted spending the amount of time on them because eventhough they sold, I didn't get the return that I could have had I started with a newer kit. But at that time I was building and selling, trading and donating most of my builds.
  11. I may have responded to quickly, after checking several sources including Ebay, I'm finding little to nothing specific to the Yorktown. I believe the Yorktown, Enterprise and Hornet are quite similar, but whether or not the parts are enterchangable is the question. Either way, you can build it without all that extra stuff. I do envy you though, there's nothing like getting a Trumpeter kit in the mail. If you are like me, I propped the Trumpeter 1/200 USS Missouri in the corner once I received it and looked at the box for weeks before I even cracked open the box. I hope someone else will jump in with more information on the Yorktown kit I believe it to be pretty new on the market.
  12. I thought Pontos has a whole line of parts for the Yorktown including the wood decking.
  13. Yep, That's what is happening to me Gary, it's like you start to feel better then it hits you again. We were told not to run the central A/C unit. So I ordered a couple of small window A/C units and installed them in two of the bedrooms, just to have some form of comfort especially since the temps in florida are hitting upper 90's.
  14. I've been able to get a little done on the Corsaro, I've been a bit under the weather for the past couple of weeks. I contracted the Covid and the a few days later my wife caught it as well. It hit me pretty hard and just trying to fight back. We've all been vaxed up, and I thought I was going to get it, but BAM it hit me.
  15. Welcome aboard brother, that is an awsome start on a scratch build. Beautiful work.
  16. Hi, glad to see you finally jumped in with the rest of us. Glad to have the company.
  17. HONEYMOON? You just got married and already spending your free time building ship models? Heck, when I got married we didn't come out of the bedroom for the first year😋 much less working on hobbies. It wasnt until I had been married for 5 years before I took up any hobbies. Take a little advice from an old man whose been married to the same special lady for the past 49 years this month: less time on the hobbies and more time romancing your honey.
  18. I don't understand why, I guess it maybe because the older Billings kits required you to purchase the fittings packages separately, which in most cases equalled or surpassed the original cost of the kit. But as far as fit and finish, I have built several Billings kits from the old kits to the newer kits and found all of them to be quite good as far as fit and finish. But then again, I have always had low to moderate expectations of most all kits, which leaves me with pleasant experience. I never try to over expect from a kit, which is to me only a starting point.
  19. The PE looks great. I had a love hate relationship with it myself.
  20. Beautiful job on the Connie, which usually takes 18-24 months to build if your not in a rush.
  21. Beautiful Job, I really like Constructo kits. The directions are basically worthless, but the materials are pretty good.
  22. No problem Craig. You know me, I'm always up for a challenge. It would be cool to do a build log on one of them for sure.
  23. Rick, I saw a Corsaro II built with all natural wood and much prefer the painted version you did. To me, it fits the model much better than the wood look.
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