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Posts posted by mtdoramike

  1. 2 hours ago, daddyrabbit1954 said:

    Hey Mike


    Great start, buddy. In the "good old days", we called those parts "die crunched". Sterling models were world famous for die crunched parts. :)

    Do you ever sand the side of the die cut sheet that's not completely cut through? Sometimes, sanding to reduce a small amount of thickness is enough to make the parts fall right out. At the least, it gives a lot less to cut when you're doing the knife work.

    Yeah, I tried that, but nothing doing. It's push, cut then sand the edges once they are out to smooth off all the left over crushing. It just adds a little more old school to an already old school project hahahahah.

  2. Me too, I think the old style looks classy. But I do hate the colors of that boat you have attached, I don't care for black on these style boats. I prefer color and not black and white. I went with brushless mainly because that is what Dumas suggests for the drive on this boat, plus the weight, which it will need quite a bit of due to the width. With brushless, you need to be careful of over heating and then that would require cooling jackets pumps. I'm also torn between lipo and NiMh batteries. Most of the guys that run these older boats prefer NiMh batteries just due to the weight. They would rather have operational weight rather than dead weight like lead ballast.


    Nirv are you doing a build log on your's? It would be neat to see the progression of each one. 

  3. I have my building board all prepped and ready to go. so I glued both halves of the keel section together as instructed. I also cut out the bulkheads and various parts from their trees. If you are used to laser cut kits, this kit will take you back to the good or bad old days depending on your view because these are die cut or pressure cut panels, which don't go all the way through. So there will be quite a bit of knife work to do to free the parts from their trees as well as edge cleanup. I also took some pics of the next few steps in the build process for the hull.











  4. OK, here we go.....................I dug out the Commander box this morning and emptied out the contents to do a quick inventory and while I had it all out of the box, I figured I would give anyone who is interested in building this kit just what is in the box. This kit is not for the faint of heart, but if you have a little building experience you shouldn't have too much trouble building it. But I will have a better determination of that once I get her built. Now the box weighs about 18 pounds and is quite hefty. Now once I had all the parts laid out I quickly realized what a substantial kit this is for the money. I have seen this kit selling for as little as $240.00 and as high as $400.00 which is quite a price spread, so shop around. I purchased mine off of Ebay for no where near that amount. So keep your eyes open, you might find a deal on this kit because I think people buy the kit with good intentions of building it, but once they get it home and realize how much work is involved they either sit on it for a few years or they eventually sell it. You will also have to purchase the running hardware separately, which will set you back about $75.00. 


    I have had a couple of people ask me for the plans once I'm finished with the build. I DO NOT SELL PLANS of ship models that I have built. If you want a copy of the plans you can purchase them from Dumas for about $25.00. Plus, these plans aren't worth a hoot for scratch building as they are not to scale. So I will be using the plans as well as the instruction booklet to build this kit. Stay tuned for updates.   










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