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Posts posted by mtdoramike

  1. Instructions are really only meant for the first time builder anyway. Once you get past the first build, the second, third and forth become old hat. I usually didn't pay much attention to the instructions after my first build because they seemed to be more confusing than helping. They pretty much all build the same.




  2. The profile gauge is metal with moveable pins. I usually used it to get a profile of the bottom of the hull to aid in the building of cradles to mount on building or display boards. Yes, one side will indicate positive and the other side indicates negative. I have also used it to help fair out frames.



  3. On ‎1‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 7:17 PM, gktool said:

    Nice build , great job on details.


    Do u still have the plans ?


    I would be willing to buy a set , I do more scratchbuilds now.


    Thanks , Gary 

    Hi Gary, yes, I have the plans, but as far as using them to scratch build is another question. These plans are not to scale and are quite smaller than the actual build. They are mainly used to help the builder during the build.Dumas offers the plans on their website for $25.00.

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