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Posts posted by mtdoramike

  1. It's been a a few days since an update has been posted on the Monte, so here is a few pics of the work that has been done on her in the last few days. I try to spend at least an hour a day working on her, but most of the time, I spend hours working on her.


    Now, I haven't decided on the light blue on the lower stem section or paint it brown or black where it blends in. The over all shot is just to give you an idea of just how big this model really is.








  2. By the way Ian, I found when it comes to building a model as tedious as the Victory is to try and put in at least an hour a day whether it be on the model itself or researching upcoming steps on the model. I always try and stay at least two or even three steps ahead when building. It saves quite a bit of time having to re-do things that later in the build just didn't make sense or was wrong. 




  3. I'm sorry to hear of your loss as well and hope your heart is mending. One thing I have found when a travesty like this hits my family is to bury myself into my hobby work shop for hours and even days at a time until I come to terms with the event. I tend to day dream when working on my models and drift back in time to parts of my life or people in my life that I like to remember fondly. It might take me an hour to lay one plank or thread one deadeye when I drift off on my travels back in time. But we each have our own way of dealing with grief or that unexpected tragic event. I hope you find yours and work through it.




  4. Awesome work. Btw I just purchased the Santa Ana on special here in AUS. She's a big box. Not as big as the Caldercraft Victory, but still a lot of wood. Only disappointment was that they have removed the nice stand & holders and replaced it with a really crappy plywood support base. They appear to be cheapening the contents. Shame given the cost of the kit and what you get compared to other suppliers. I expect to start a log sometime in the new year.

    I want to do the occre xebec first


    Ahhhhh lucky you. The dispay base you refer to is only a base to use during the construction process. To my knowledge latina has never supplied a finished display base in their kits. I will keep an eye out for your build log on the Ana.



  5. Weeeeelllllllll, I got tempted this afternoon while piddling on the computer, ebay wouldn't you know it and came across the below listing. It tugged at me for a couple of hours before I placed a bid. There is only a couple of model kits that would make me reconsider building another model and this happens to be one of them. Hopefully and probably I won't win the auction.







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