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Everything posted by mtdoramike

  1. I know you can buy a ton of Photo Etched brass upgrades for this kit, but I don't plan on buying very much upgrade or detail; up sets for this kit. You can buy brass turned canon and such, but the guns to me from the kit look quite detailed and fine. I did however purchase a wooden deck for the Big Mo and chose the blue deck, which is like a peel and stick. I also decided not to use the twin screw setup from the previous owner and opted to go for the realistic look of the actual ship and use a 4 screw setup and ordered it from China, which set me back $199.00 shipped. Now let me point out here, if I were going to keep this model for myself, I would have used the twin prop or screw setup rather than the four screw because I saw a video of the Big Mo with both twin and four screw in operation and then performance of the twin screw was way better than the four screw, which required a lot more room to turn and slower to react than the twin screw.
  2. I adopted an orphaned kit of a battleship by Trumpeter 1/200 scale of the USS Missouri aka:Big Mo a while back and has been awaiting it's turn on the building bench. It had never been started, however one of the previous owners (not sure how many? purchased a twin screw drive system from England for it. First impression, this kit is huge, and not for the faint of heart. upon completion of the Big Mo, I will either offer it for sale or possibly see if a local VFW would be interested in it to raffle off as a donation.
  3. It measures out to about 32" in length, which is a manageable size. Absolutely beautiful kit for sure.
  4. The first model ship that I tried to build was a Bluenose Canadian fishing boat. I got so aggravated with it that I placed it on the driveway and ran over it with my truck, backed up and ran over it again, then gathered up the pieces and threw them in the trash can. It didn't fix anything on the model, but it did wonders for my frustration. My wife asked me in a sarcastic manner "did that make you feel better"? I simply replied "yes it did".
  5. Say WHAT? I was just informing the group of an outstanding deal if there were someone dreaming of building a magnificent model in the near future. But a schooling in business practices and how to screw over the IRS is always appreciated. Model Expo also has the Wappen Von Hamburg regular $1500.99 sale $999.00 Amerigo Vespucci regular $1499.99 sale $949.00
  6. The SOS is on sale until 12/31 regular price $1499.00 sale price if $849.00 a savings of $650.00 plus free shipping. I am soooo tempted. But I got way to many projects.
  7. Just to give you a heads up, I can buy the Model Shipways Syren from Amazon for $299.00 with free shipping. Usually second hand kits sell for 50% of retail unless the kit is out of stock or production and someone just has to have it. This kit matches neither of those.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mtdoramike


      Just for clarification, any kit that has been sold and then resold is a second hand kit, no matter whether the kit has never been opened. Good luck with your sale, it is a fantastic kit an worth the build for sure.  

    3. moreplovac


      Sold, $40 under the asking price..




    4. mtdoramike
  8. I'm glad to she you make great progress on this beauty. It is turning out purdyful.
  9. I have a few orphans awaiting their turn on the bench. Trumpeter USS Missouri 1/200 scale, Dumas Super Sport or the Dumas Jenny Lee. I will choose one in the next few weeks, I'm going to take a few weeks off from modeling to do some stuff around the house that I have been putting off for that (Tomorrow). It's finally cooling off here in central Florida so it's not as bad being outside.
  10. Well, I have some good news and some bad news depending on who you are, I just sold the 3/4 finished Miss Chloe to a friend who wants to finish it, but wanhts to make it into a fishing/Lobster boat and intends on distressing it or weathering it. But the good news is, I have the plans as well as the templates to build another one as well as the materials. But that will be a future project.
  11. No, I ordered from an ebay graphics company that I have been buying from for years.
  12. Thank you for the kind words, yes, I have done this more than a few times. But it seems on every project there tends to be changes or modifications maybe not so much needed as preferred. Yes, Pat does a wonderful job on drafting plans of his creations, which makes building them a breeze.
  13. Alright John, I'm glad to see her being adopted to a worthy home and getting the care she so craves. Looking forward o the build.
  14. I mentioned adopting another orphan and it didn't go over very well, I remember something about a moving truck, packing of bags, and needing another place to live. So I'm hoping someone else fairly close to you will step up.
  15. Well, I would have loved to finish it because it would be a shame for it to wind up in the dust bin after all the nice work you have put it her. She deserves to be all that she can be. But alas, I'm a bit to far from you for pick up and shipping would be outragous. I would love for it to go to someone who will actually finish it and do a build log on here so we can see the finished product rather than snippers who just want something for nothing only to allow it to sit at someone else's home or workshop.
  16. Looks like you are on a good start on the Biz. You got a smoking deal on it for sure. I'll be following along to see your progress.
  17. I will not be displaying the USS Missouri when it's complete. My goal is to find it a good home with someone who would appreciate it and hopefully run it in their local watering hole, which will put the display burden on them. I try not to have buyers remorse and just try and make do with what I'm presented with, but it can be a might disconcerning at times.
  18. Well your review indicates you are loving this kit and having loads of fun building it.
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