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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Small update : Finally got the main deck populated with the furniture I had to assembler
  2. You can delete it yourself. Just click on the 3 dots ... next to post #1, in drop down select delete.
  3. Glad I could help. Castle is looking good.
  4. Make some featherboards. You could probably fashion them from popsicle sticks or 1/4 inch sq dowels cut with 45 degree at one end. See examples of my crude boards for my Dremel drill press stand in photos below.
  5. Build yourself a mini shooting board. Lowes has dimensioned poplar boards 1/4 x 3 or 1/4 x 4 or 1/4 x 5 in 2 ft and 3 ft lengths, cut one to 6-8 inches length for the base; pick up some 1/4 inch square and/or 3/8 inch square "dowels" to use as stops and guides. It doesn't have to be very big, just enough to square your blocks with a file or sanding sticks.
  6. Yes, you can use Hydrocal to create the mounds. When you get closer to that we can help walk you thru it. There's a couple ways to do it, Paper towels, nylon window screen, plaster cloth, etc. ScaleHobbyist is my go-to supplier. Before you get too far along, make a tracing of that hill outline shown on that wall former M15. Save it for later. You might also want to start looking at Woodland Scenics rock molds for cliff faces, et al. Looking at the box art I would suggest using them for some of the rock outcroppings. They work well with the Hydrocal. Also check out @hollowneck HMS Sphinx build log, starting at post #400, on his use of Woodland Scenics' ShaperSheet to create an ocean. That same technique and material can be used to create scenery around your castle.
  7. Collarbone fractures can be painful. Hope you heal quickly. I fractured my left forearm while ice skating as a kid. After the fall I looked down my coat sleeve and saw my arm now "had two elbows" but the 2nd one was midway between real elbow and wrist.
  8. The one on the right above is the one I use
  9. Outstanding diorama and outstanding photography, Alan.
  10. I believe Francois Verlinden retired, or passed away, some time ago and his factory in Belgium (????) closed and no one picked up his molds, or the molds were destroyed (???). I found 2 of his original kits in my local hobby store when they closed and my son located 2 more online someplace. Some of his books may still be available but I think his kits are slowly being sold out. Shame because he and Shep Paine were two of the best figure and diorama Masters around. I still have one of Shep's soft cover books on dioramas.
  11. Hi John, Welcome! Malone NY !?! Now that is truely "Upstate NY" 😉😊😇
  12. Mark, for paints, glues, kits and other supplies I use ScaleHobbyist He is in New Hamphshire, service is very good, prices are very competitive.
  13. Verlinden is the Master, one of my favorites. His books were very instructional. Two of my armor dioramas contain his kit molds. I have 2 more of his kits to work into a diorama sometime
  14. Andy try taking ordinary household aluminum foil, place it over an 8 x 10 or 11 x w 14 piece of cardboard, make 2, position them so they reflect the light back on the model but are outside camera view. It will fill in the shadows. Old DIY photography trick. Model is coming along nicely
  15. I agree with OC, Alan. The molds for those 1:72 figures don't give much detail on the faces. The figures look good. 1:35 scale is smallest I will attempt with figures.
  16. Especially since I had no extra material to make new ones. They barely gave me enough to make those eight.
  17. Voile ! After an hour plus soak in acetone, everything disassembled without any problems. Flipped everything over including the bands, dry fitted for now till all the acetone evaporates out of the wood. Thanks Andrew and Edward for catching that.
  18. I have to flip the brass bands. Even tho I cut them to the lengths called for in the instructions, they don't mate on the underside. I guess I'll tackle it after breakfast 👨‍🍳🥓🍳
  19. @AJohnson @Edwardkenway Thanks for the Eagle eyes. You're both right they are inverted. Unfortunately they are not dry fitted, but attached with CA. I hope I can unglue them without destroying anything, especially the brass bands. They only gave me enough strips to do the anchors.
  20. Well I'm back ! 🙋‍♂️ Finally got thru all the cataract surgeries, follow-ups, new reading glasses, et al. I've been trying to get all the deck "furniture" assembled, fighting with vague instructions and even more vague photos. The Veritas shooting plane and board are certainly helping true up the cut ends, also "The Bug" Hold and Fold tool from The Small Shop has been very useful in bending the brass straps for the anchors. Some overall photos of the furniture, just randomly placed for photos. The Bug The Veritas Shooting Plane & Board
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