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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Oh I don't know about that, Lou. Back in '63/'64 I attended a George Shearing concert at Notre Dame. He came on stage with two drop-dead gorgeous blondes on each arm, each wearing an ankle length Satin gown, one in Black, other in White. His famous Black and White Satin album had just been released. When he reached the piano, he picked up the album cover, showed it to the audience (the two models who accompanied him onstage were on the cover) and asked "How do you like my new album cover? I personally picked the models after interviewing them in Braille !" Needless to say the concert was fabulous, one of the greatest Jazz pianist!
  2. I've had this kit in my stash for quite a while. Decided to dig it out and work on it while I wile away time waiting for my left eye to heal from cataract surgery. It had the worst cataract, also worst myopia and astigmatism, so it was done first. Right eye dominates so it's been compensating even tho it has a cataract also. I hadn't planned on a build log so I never took all the opening photos. This is a very nicely done kit. It comes with a die-cast metal chassis which adds a bit of weight to the model. I'm brush painting it with Vallejo paints for now. I may finish it by airbrushing in end, all depends on what my doctor says. Okay! The box art and contents: Since I had already started I don't have a lot of photos. Below is the progress to-date: The nicks and dings in the paint will get retouched in due course.
  3. Tell me about it ! My Fort Dix Army boot camp barracks (reopened WWII barracks) was right next to and parallel to one of McGuire's departure runways. The entire barracks shook when they decided to launch fighters before the sun rose. Talk about reveille at 4 AM. I'M AWAKE! BUT I'M DEAF !
  4. They look like these. From collection of Hudson River Maritime Museum in Kingston NY
  5. Glad to hear you are okay, Craig.
  6. It's difficult to choose, Craig. The difference in lighting among the 5 is very subtle but 3 and 4 seem to have the best contrast. It's a toss-up between those two. Nice rendition on model tho. 👌
  7. @CDW hope you are on high ground well out of the storm surge area or you've evacuated out of the path. Stay safe.
  8. Does the kit call for a 2nd planking with a thin veneer wood ? Like 0.5mm walnut, as a lot of Artesania Latina kits do ? If so, 1st planking with kit supplied wood is sufficient.
  9. Several UK modelers have found Lee Valley and Bridge City tools at Axminster Tools UK at prices comparable to US prices given currency exchange rates.
  10. Great views and photos. I drove up the road to summit 50 yrs ago in a 68 Mustang with wife and toddler daughter. Going up was fun, driving back down was scary.
  11. Ken, @Canute Check MicroMark website. Search for Hunterline Weathering Mix #89367-89370 and MicroMark Age-It Easy #80873X3 & #81528X3
  12. Hammock strung ! Waiting for the popcorn truck
  13. I concur with Egilman and Paul. I've been using it for at least 30 years, there is none better.
  14. An Army draftee in 1965 was paid $90 a month as a Private E1, as an E5 in 1967 the pay was $200 a month.
  15. Glad to see you back at bench. I concur with your wife. "Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead"! Great job on the decaling, Sabre looks great 👍 👌
  16. Try this MRH Acrylic Post-Floquil Painting Guide - free 40 page guide for subscribers. Membership is free. It doesn't specifically list AK but does match to Vallejo paints which should help convert Vallejo to AK
  17. My Admiral looked at the video and agrees, the modeler is female. Very talented too.
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