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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. They are the same. See following https://forum.woodcarvingillustrated.com/forum/woodcarving-illustrated/woodcarving/carving-wood-materials/26746-limewood-vs-basswood https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilia#Romantic_symbol
  2. Doesn't matter, you can still use it, just be careful to keep your antivirus up to date. I'm still running XP with no issues including no security issues. My wife's Win 7 system has not received any updates since MS tricked the world into installing the Win 10 upgrade. Backing the upgrade off screwed up the update installer and now you cannot even manually install updates. Nor can we restore it to the last backup point. So her laptop will remain Win 7 and mine will remain XP until the hardware becomes unrepairable. Then I will replace both of them with an Abacus
  3. There probably are a few parcels left on Monadnock ! Not quite so far away ! Great mountains views too !
  4. There is a way to preview a post. In the reply window, top row of window, on the extreme right side there is an icon that looks like a page with the top right corner folded over. Click this icon to preview the post, to close the preview click the black circle with the X in upper right corner. Kevin, to see if someone got your PM, at the top of the page there is a header with a world globe and two conversation icons next to it. Click on the conversation icons to see your PMs.
  5. I have had good results using the rubber plumbing connectors shown below to adapt different diameters to my vacuum cleaner
  6. It got stuck in an atmospheric traffic jam between two High's.
  7. Must be down at shore enjoying all them lobsta's. Lucky him ! I did get to Maryland last week to enjoy some of their Blue Crabs. BTW the Jet Pack does deccelerate and lands at a gentle speed.
  8. A nice Jet Pack works, Lou. You could be "at altitude" in under 10 seconds
  9. Lou, they do make ear phones so you don't disturb the Admiral
  10. Frank, I used those green Velcro cloth plant ties to hold my boat to the back seat of the car. I loop it thru the child safety seat anchors hidden under the car seat back placing one leg under the build board and the other leg under the boat and over the board. Overlap the two legs about 5-6 inches and the will hold it fast to the car seat. Drove 3 hours with a model to conference and return 3 hours with no ill effects. The strips are about 1/4 inch wide and can be found in the garden section of Lowes or Home Depot.
  11. A fire extinguisher that is rated 2A:10 BC means it has a fire fighting capacity equivalent to: 2.5 Gallons of Water and 10 Square Feet for a BC Type Fire. The letters stand for the class of fire the extinguisher can be used against: A – ordinary combustibles (wood, paper, plastic, etc.) B – flammable liquids (oil, gas, petroleum, etc.) C – electrical equipment D – metals K – cooking oils and fats
  12. I bought 2 AL kits directly from Tower Hobbies about a month ago. Both kits came in boxes that were taped closed and all the contents were sealed in shrink wrap. In fact all the AL kits I have purchased in the last 5-10 years have come that way and none had missing parts. Was your kit sealed when you received it? According to News reports Horizon Hobbies acquired Hobbico in April 2019, at least the RC business unit. Tower Hobbies still has an active website.
  13. OC, don't feel embarrassed. As you say, MSW is one very big family and while the vast geographical distances between us prevent us from physically assisting you, we can lend you support and encouragement and our prayers.
  14. Sorry to hear this OC. I echo Carl's and Black Viking's advice connect your local legal authority for advice and assistance. Here in the USA a landlord cannot evict either without a court order.
  15. Nice model, Denis. Did you know that you can visit/tour the Seven Foot Knoll lighthouse, oldest screw pile lighthouse in Maryland, at Pier 5 in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. It sits atop the pier now and is open to public. Admiral and I took our granddaughter thru it about 5 years ago. Worth touring. The Thomas Point is open for tours also but not as easy to get to as Seven Foot Knoll.
  16. Good luck with the hand surgery. My wife had carpal tunnel plus "trigger finger" surgery done last year on both hands. All is fine now.
  17. If these are walnut or dark red-brown in color, they may be the planking for the 2nd planking. Mine has a double planked hull with the 2nd planking being thin walnut strips about 0.5 mm thick.
  18. Steve, are you still in that area ? If so, I am about 50 plus miles south on west shore of river.
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