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Everything posted by billt

  1. I've been off the site for a while and just saw this. Very sad news indeed. I have one of his saws and love it. It is a great machine and proves how talented he was.
  2. I'm in a similar situation so I've been following along on this topic. People do seem to agree on Sherline. The Sherline seems to have a lot going for it. It is featured in the "The Home Machinist" book. So I don't doubt it is a good machine. I'm no expert but I've been reading up on mills trying to figure what to get. I have a Proxxon MF70 but I'm not happy with the table on it and I would like a somewhat larger mill. Everything I've been reading says that mass is important with a mill. Even some of the small ones weigh a 150 pounds or more. However, the Sherline is listed at 35 pounds. The Sherline cost about as much as some of the larger machines too. So how did you decide on the Sherline?
  3. I agree that for just modelling you don't need the tilt arbor much. I use mine for other small projects too like cigar box guitars, small boxes and other things. I have larger saws for bigger projects.
  4. Congratulations Derek, you won't be disappointed. It's a great saw.
  5. Yes a tilting arbor would make it perfect. I haven't needed that often because I have other saws that can do that. But it would be nice if the Byrnes saw would tilt without adding another table.
  6. Congratulations Derek! You won't be disappointed. I've only had mine a few months but love it. It's a great little saw. Bill
  7. Speaking of the Byrnes saw, I received mine a couple of weeks ago but have only time to make a few test cuts. Like everyone says, it cuts great right out of the box.
  8. I'm not sure I can justify either but I really wanted one. I also have multiple hobbies where I need to cut small parts so I'm sure I'll use it. My problem is time more than anything.
  9. Thanks for the Link Dave. I don't know if I'll need the tilt table or not. If I do I have tools that would probably work. Bill
  10. This is a great thread. I know it has been going on for a while but a lot of really good info. I'm not sure how often I'll use the Byrnes saw but decided to get it. My full size saw is just too big for some of the projects I like to do including ship models.
  11. I'm glad you kept going on it too. I still think it was a good idea.
  12. Thanks Dave, I've wanted one for a while. Like you I've seen it referenced a lot on this site. I wondered about the divided head. Looks like that would be useful for holding dowels. Bill
  13. You talked me into checking out ebay and sure enough I found a MF70 for a really good price too, So I ordered it. What accessories are recommended for model building?
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