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kees de mol

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Posts posted by kees de mol

  1. Drawings showed a different story. Several museums I have been called and talked to a lot of people, to heirs of the builder but no one knows where the drawings have remained. Well, I discovered that there were things from the yard (Dageraad in Woubrugge) in the National Archives in The Hague. I went through here, but unfortunately only found a contract, no drawings. Some time later I was contacted by a gentleman who did not have the original drawings but drawings of similar trawlers. He has sent me and it will definitely help me to build the Trawler The final line plan I have compiled from a line plan of a Belgian trawler that I got from a helpful fellow modeller

    The National Archives in The Hague


    The final line plan

    A general plan of a similar trawler

    Besides I have a lot of photos gathered from similar trawlers from that time so I always have a useful picture for details. Obviously, I can always go to former crew members to ask them how to build something

    the purchase contract


    Meanwhile I have "enough" material to build, and as I said, I am so first started modifying a drawing. I then copied the drawing several times. I'm going to make the hull with the so-called pile construction method. This will come clear in the next updates This way you get a rough shape of the hull that you still need to smooth sanding. In the course of my report I will show you all the steps.

    The model will be built in the 1/75 scale where it will have a length of about 58 cm.

    The first steps



  2. Hi all,

    When I went looking for a new ship to build, I got a picture from my grandfather who looked through the window of a ship's bridge in his younger years. Unfortunately my grandfather deceased at a very young age. It seemed beautiful to build a ship where he sailed on. An uncle of mine then indicated they would like to have a model of the 49 KW, Antje in 1959. My grandfather has been a fisherman on this ship and my uncle went with him several times as a kid. I have nothing promised to him but I started to look for information.



    First, I came across a book with the following information to

    N.V. Viss. Me. Kennemerland
    Dageraad Woubrugge Year 1959
    43,96 x 7:34 x 3.54 Capacity 291 Brt

    07.18.1959 trial and transfer
    1969 made suitable for beam trawling
    1972 TX 46 Antje eig. P v.d. Vis
    Sold in 1974 to Argentina is San Lucas


    Unfortunately, there was further found little information on hand to be so I'm on several facebook pages and forums calls going to do if someone had more information, pictures or drawings. Immediately there were people who wanted to help me. They often had not the requested information but they knew people who had sailed on the ship. Unfortunately, many people already deceased but I managed to find a few people out after a lot of phone calls and mail, and some also had pictures.



    At the wharf The Dageraad


    During the trial

    I finally managed to get to 32 original photographs of the KW 49 and I am very happy with it. Luckily I met a man who had sailed on the VL 16, a ship that was similar to the KW 49 He had a lot of pictures for me and even in color.

    The VL 16]IMG_0019_zps47e3938e.jpg

    The TX46 (formerly KW 49


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