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Everything posted by captain_hook

  1. What a nice little subject, well done. I wonder how much weight was to add to keep it under water.
  2. Thank you very much - John and Chris. It has been quite a fun build although it could have been done in less than half the time. I have chosen the AVS because it is a small vessel but has all of the nice details like a cabin, the extended bowsprit and the 1/4 scale makes the modelling quite pleasant. The instruction manual is very extensive and covers basic tutorials as well as every little detail. Especially the rigging is well described. The plans are very detailed as well and easy to follow. Even wood for a basic launchway was enclosed, which makes the AVS an ideal first or second kit, that can easily be improved with more details and whatever wood you like for the hull. And I learned quite a lot of new techniques during the build. However the kit may be based on Dr. Feldman‘s book and some aspects should have been improved (cabin more to scale - the doors are too low and small - except you have a crew of dwarfs, the anchors too small, rigging problems etc.). I think the POF-kit by former LSS is a more appropriate representation of the AVS. As often with mass production kits that suffer from cost/quality relations most of the fittings and the rope was of poor quality and I almost substituted all fittings with aftermarket stuff. Vanguard Models has recently shown that kits with more quality wood and parts made of resin (instead of casting) add a huge benefit in quality and building fun (and raise of course the cost on the other hand). But in the end I am happy with the results and I will continue building models in 1/4 scale. Time to clean up the workplace. My next project will be a small project off ship-modelling, but make an educated guess what comes after that ... 🤗 Best regards, Andreas
  3. @Bob Cleek: Already have one 🤗. I have to store the AVS in the basement until my wife has decided where to display it. I’m only allowed to display 3 ships in the house.
  4. Some final shots with the launchway (that must compensate for the poor light condition in my living room).
  5. I‘d like to thank all member of MSW who followed this build and also provided a lot of information. Especially @GuntherMT: For your very detailed build log, helped me a lot when it came to rope coils. @druxey: For your help with various rigging questions. @Dubz: For the helpful hint with the backstays, glad I decided I have used your solution. @Bob Cleek: For providing various information. @Chuck: For providing all the cool aftermarket stuff I used, especially the miniature rope.
  6. And......after three years and three months ...she is finished - Time to kick some british merchant‘s asses. WHAT? We‘re supposed to stay on the launchway??? 😱 We’re doomed! Some snapshots. I‘ll do some final shots tomorrow with launchway.
  7. And finally raised the flag. I used Chuck‘s technique he used on the cheerful. Worked with colour-laserprinter as well.
  8. The last steps ... let‘s begin. Installed the anchor buoys. Although it may be historically incorrect to hang them on the shrouds it is a nice way to present them on the model.
  9. Absolutely stunning. You will need a separate room to display this ship.
  10. Strange times. In germany the people got used to consider life as safe - no hunger, no war, no epidemical issues for about 70 years. I was born into that safety. Now within 14 days a lot of that felt safety has gone. People start to worry about their health, employment, financial issues and you can feel the rising internal tension that is the result of a learned helplessness. I can‘t imagine how the current situation in Italy and Spain affects the people there.
  11. Thank you for the nice comments and the likes. As social restrictions are supposed to continue the next three weeks here in Germany I’ll use the opportunity to finish the AVS in the next days.
  12. More rope coils and belaying... BTW the pictures taken by the new smartphone are much brighter than the previous ones made with my 5-year-old tablet.
  13. Continued to add ropecoils to the clamps on bow. Finished them today. Syren Miniature rope really look like the real thing. Now, some sailors have to clean up the mess. Will do the mast clamps on thursday.
  14. As daily life is restricted here in germany due to government regulations during the corona epidemia I have plenty of time to continue the build. Installed the anchors and some rope coils.
  15. Thank you very much Allan. I have tried that on my AVS today and hope that I got the instructions the right way.
  16. Hello everyone, I have a question regarding closed hearts and lashing. Looking at photos of contemporary models some stays have closed hearts that seem to be connected by infinite lashing - with no visible start or end. I wonder how this can be archived on a model - maybe some sort of splicing hidden on the back of the lashing but don‘t know. A picture below for visualisation. Thanks for any input.
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