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Everything posted by mitbok

  1. If it is not relisted than some one did pay over 4K. Chances are that person knows what he is getting. Some people use it for business and it could make sense for them financially.
  2. The one that sold for 4K was full package purchased from Jim few years ago and cost the seller just over $1,200. It wasn't just the saw alone. But still, its sold like a collectible! Lesson learned - if there is something good made by a single guy or "mom n pap" business, buy it while you can.
  3. There is a lot with the saw on Ebay (with sliding table and some add ons). It is already $1,200.00 ! Earlier, a brand new, packed saw with all bells and whistles sold for $4,250.00 !!! All I can say is - hold on to your saws if you have them, apparently they are very hot item.
  4. I just ordered the sliding table on the site. Seems none of the machines are available now but accessories can still be selected to cart.
  5. Have not seen any posts on this on MSW - unfortunately Jim Byrnes passed away, a big loss for ship modeling community. Obituary is posted on Byrnes Modeling Machines site. There is no news on what is going to happen with the company, apperantly they still taking orders.
  6. Thank you Marc. I really have to get myself together and finish her. Only sails and rigging left....
  7. Got mine yesterday 👍
  8. Good day, Mikhail has two 10 chisel sets currently available : Strait - 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 мм. Half round - 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 мм. Angled left and right, - 2.0 мм. "V"- shaped Mini knife. PM for details
  9. Natural on port side and painted on starboard, that will take care of this puzzle.😝 Kidding aside I lean towards painted option. Seems Minerva's maker was not pursuing the authentic colors and look (use of Ivory). This is purely matter of each authors vision and taste.
  10. Could also be a scam, never mind piracy - you want get anything at all. Similar to bunch of 18$ Trumpeter kits on Ebay that usually cost over a 100$
  11. Pentart Liquid Patina is great, unfortunately it is sold out on Ebay. So far don't see any reliable source in the US. As mentioned before Bitumen liquids are not finishing products as oils and dyes (use it as a stain on bare wood and you get an ugly, patchy black rotten wood look). Can't just be applied evenly and let dry. Use it as a wash to weather the finished surface (not just wood) to highlight the details, applying small quantities and letting the liquid flow into crevices. Or apply liberally but wipe off the excess on raised surfaces to give it a look of centuries ald object which accumulated dirt over the years. All together it takes the model into a certain style category of fake antiques and is absolutely not necessary as one can build a model in style of Syren Ship model prototypes. Those grimey museum models where just as clean as Chuck's models when they were initially built. On the picture is my 4 oared Yal in progress. Pear with homemade stain before and after applying Liquid Patina
  12. There are 2 more manufacturers that make kits similar in construction but they are also Russian and so are the ships they are selling. Only foreign vessel that might be coming soon is Italian vine transporter. So in regards of ships origin you are out of luck for now . Otherwise MK has 4 kits of ships plus several kits of smaller craft. Falkonet has 2 kits of steam launches, 2 viking tipe ships, a 1/24 scale yawl and in development are 2 masted cutter "Uvalen" built for russian prince (similar to French pilot cutters), Peter the Great pleasure yacht "Nataliya" and in a long run schooner Meteor (Baltimore schooner type) Eskadra has 2 kits out - famous Mercuriy and schooner "Lastochka" from Crimean war
  13. With great sadness here to inform that Aleksander Dobrenko "woodeater" had passed away. He was only 65. He was one of the greatest enthusiasts of ship modeling in Russia and well known in Europe as well. He had put together modelers guild of St. Petersburg, organized annual ship modeling show and contest "University Cup", was a go to guy in all aspects of the hobby and naval history of Russia. He will be greatly missed.
  14. Thank you Greg, I do have 1 or 2 virgin incerts but so far was cutting fairly long parts so did not need it.
  15. Greg, could you please post Malco part numbers for the blades that you ordered for Byrnes saw. I am utterly confused with all those specs you need to order from their catalog.
  16. Some blocks of holly, boxwood and pear showed up but were gone in seconds. You had to check out quick or items will disappear from basket if someone is checking out before you.
  17. Is there more wood coming or this is it? Looks like almost everything is out of stock now
  18. Wonder if Jim Byrnes has any comments about this. Perhaps he has a very large stock of blades and we will be ok buying them from him.
  19. I will be waiting for my sails for a while. Tea usually does a pretty good job coloring the sails. Uniform and not too dark.
  20. Are you going to "paint" the sail with tea?
  21. Oh no. I did not make those. Ordered them from a guy who knows the craft
  22. Sails are taking shape. Still a long haul from Russia, keeping my fingers crossed as lately Brooklyn USPS is a close competitor to Russian Mail in poor service and delinquency.
  23. I did not realize that Marisstella gave you prestitched sail. By the way, very good Idea with wire on the sail edges. Done this once so far and it worked perfectly, was able to shape the sail how I wanted. I never asked him about what he does for a living, may be I should. Some top notch Russian ship model makers ordered from him and gave good reviews so I decided to bight the bullet as well. He makes the sails almost like real ones, stitching everything with the machine and by hand. Here is his own model with some of the first sails he made : https://fotki.yandex.ru/users/aq5/album/337779/
  24. I think I've seen this one live when doing Active Duty Training for NAVY Reserve at the academy. It is huge! Is the model at the college museum now? (Kings Point has a nice small museum but it is not advertised much)
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