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Everything posted by Canute

  1. Your work is excellent, Grant. 👍 Those sashes are the hardest part of any build with windows. I'd work about 20 min on them, then go do anything else to rest my aching eyeballs.
  2. Eric, looks good. Timber framing looks so good. Norm Abram (This Old House) would be proud. 👍
  3. Wow, there's a ton of detail in that jewel. Rye Field does a beautiful job and your skills enhance it. 👍👍
  4. Good tip with the chalk dust on the white. 👍 I made up a plastic jig to assemble wood windows. It's just two strips glued at 90 degrees and thick enough the layer all the parts. Works well with PVA glue. CA isn't a player, but I normally don't use it with wood kits.
  5. Interesting effects on the trim pieces. I'll try it on a mill building I've been contemplating.
  6. Interesting, Allan. We had a German national at Bitburg AB, Germany, who did the interpretation of the German flight rules. They were in English, but sometimes you need to get the correct spin in things. Anyway, he had a similar tale about minimal training and flying an Me-109 at the end of the war. He was shot down and wounded to the degree he couldn't fly any more. But a great guy to talk with. And that jet was an Me-262. 👍
  7. That plan works for me, too. 😉 And the butt joints aren't bad. I've seen well weathered barns looking like that. 😄
  8. That is quite the model Craig. Great detail. 👍 Definitely need the seat belts and shoulder harnesses. Masking tape strips work for the airplane folks, why not for armor. 😄
  9. Well done with the installation of your comms boxes. Surprised the seats are a solid sand color.
  10. Proceeding nicely Eric, despite the admitted woodworking buffoonery. Keeping those chisels sharp to do the finishing around all that joinery. And keep hydrated with just water. Dehydration ain't fun.
  11. Would using plastic and resin aftermarket parts be doable or is that just not done by the card modeling fraternity? Just curious, as in my primary area, any part, no matter the source, is acceptable. Just depends on what you're willing to spend.
  12. No problem. Your Eagle is progressing quite well. Very nice work. 👍😄 The gyros are a minute detail that only an old weapons officer would spot. I could add other items, but you'd need a 1/16 scale model to see them. 😉
  13. Dan, I think you have the missile details down pat. Yellow bands mean they are live rounds or war shots. The 'winder head is a metallic green with a dark band where the fuse is located, about where you show the brown band. Well done. One detail for your 'winders is all four tailplanes had a silver grey square on each tip. These are small gyroscopes which deploy when the missile is launched. They provide stability for the missile. They are about 3" on each side, so fairly small. 👍😄
  14. Eric, I'm in on your kitchen build. Always fascinated by the timber framing builds. If you got really ambitious, you could turn your limestone into cement, but it's easier to get it in bags. Your oven for pizza sounds neat. Build it to get really hot; the best way to make pizza is in fired brick ovens.
  15. Tailplane or horizontal stabilizer, and elevators, the movable part of that flying surface, on the trailing edge. Happy to help with the nomenclature. 😄😉
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