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Everything posted by Canute

  1. Very intriguing build, Michael. What is the ducket 's purpose. It looks like a smaller version of the observation position on a bay window caboose/van. Excellent work.
  2. Eric, glad to read you've recovered. And starting this build. I'm in. I've been eyeing this kit, but wanted to see a build before I pulled the trigger.
  3. Nice increment with the external pieces. Look good. 😁 This isn't a race, brother. We appreciate what you can do, despite feeling as you do.
  4. Very nice. 👍😊 Yes, Champ was another line for model railroad decals. The usual story, owners retired, no one to keep the line going. It was bought out, but just to sell off remaining decal sets. 😞
  5. Classy looking markings, settling in nicely. I used to have a bottle of Champ setting solution. Champ had some of the thickest decals out there. Walthers was a close second. Definitely need a range of solutions for your situations.
  6. Looks just like the work done stretching the P-80 into the T-33. Very nice job with your paint job, Craig. The finishes will be great.
  7. Grant, I plan to try these out. And Jack thanks, I've used some Hunterline stains and like them. They're about as good as the old Floquil stains. I miss their Driftwood stain, but there are suitable substitutes available.
  8. I think you've got the coloring on these boards down nicely. And the knots make it even better. Looks just like wood that's been out in the weather a long time. 👍 I'm going to try your technique on a wood flat car deck I have. Once upon a time there was a company, at least here in the US, that made a weathering solution that replicated this coloring, but he closed up shop a while back, with no replacement. I'll continue my search for a suitable substitute stain.
  9. Kind of tough to see the ball in the race for those, eh? I just make jet whooshing sounds, while doing aileron rolls. 😉
  10. Cripes, I thought you'd be finished before I signed on for this little adventure. Looking good.
  11. Well done. And yes, the old Airfix decals were a chore applying. This one looks great.
  12. Craig, it does look like a 3D print. They removed the print rafts to fit into less space, the reviewer said. The resin used looks good.
  13. Nice collection. Their callsign in Viet Nam was Nimrod. And they worked nights along the Ho Chi Minh trail.
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