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Everything posted by Canute

  1. All too true. The digital schemes are the ones I can't quite grasp. Fantastic results when done right.
  2. I suppose. Anyway, I'll wait patiently for this build. Craig, that stuff looks like Silly Putty.
  3. Looking good. What's the black masking agent, something new from AMMO?
  4. Excel makes a handle with flat sides: https://excelblades.com/products/fitgrip-knife I've used mine for years, along with Excel blades (better steel than Exacto). Another option is to tape a matchstick to your round handles to keep them from rolling into your leg.
  5. Hang in there, brother. You're doin' fine. And you're in our thoughts and prayers.
  6. Well, the lid painting is superb. Much better than the photo covers. One of my all-time favs, the P-40 family. The first kit I ever built as a 6 year old was a Flying Tiger P-40. And the USAF descendant unit (23rd Fighter Wing) is still aviating, flying A-10s at Moody AFB, Valdosta, GA. Notice the blurry markings?
  7. Nicely done, Dan. You've captured the seeker head color of your 'Winders. Have a safe drive on your holiday.
  8. Harry, prime the yellow areas with white or very light gray. Take a look at Egilman's F-86 build, he goes thru similar gyrations, replacing a disintegrating decal with yellow paint. Starts at message 383, page 13
  9. Nicely done, Chris. Halinski has every thing but the kitchen sink included.
  10. Might have been IPMS Stockholm. They have a lot of info for color of paints.
  11. Kit instructions are suspect with respect to color recommendations. Happily, we have a lot of great resources nowadays, thanks to the Internet.Looking forward to your paint scheme.
  12. #5 matches to the last cockpit shot, for my eyes. May be the Russian jets morphed away from the Soviet era aqua cockpits. Go on what your photos tell you. Anybody who can argue differently needs to show evidence.
  13. That aqua green/blue shade is pretty much a universal color for Soviet/Russian cockpits. Photos I saw of the MiG-25 Belenko flew to Japan in 1976 were that shade. We modelers had to scramble to come up with something close. Now we're in a Golden Age of modeling paints. 😄
  14. Congratulations on your design and use of that astrolabe. Accuracy looks to be 5 miles. About par for using this system. 👍 Development of accurate chronometers was key to developing accurate celestial navigation systems. For the Northern Hemisphere, we had figured out latitude (at night anyway) by shooting Polaris. It's elevation is your latitude, no calculations. Time is critical for longitude calculations. I spent 6-7 years doing this stuff as an aerial navigator, using bubble sextants.
  15. Looking good, Denis. Yes, fitting the aftermarket resin can be an adventure. Lots of cut and try the fit, then do some more trimming. You'll get it done.
  16. Very nice save. 👍 What solvent are you using to keep this gizmo clean?
  17. Resistance is futile, Phil. You have to make those jigs/fixtures or it'll be crooked as all get out. 😄😉 I just made 2 for some HO cars I'm building.
  18. Yellow is so hard to paint, since it's so translucent. The gray primer is the only route I know. You're well on your way, building up the layers. Keep it up.
  19. Scalecoat 1 is another lacquer based paint, Scalecoat 2 is an enamel line. They have a proprietary thinner, too, although I believe generic lacquer thinner works, too. Version 1 can be baked if spraying onto metal, like for brass locomotives. Really hardens the paint. And both dry to a gloss. But, you must take the precautions Craig mentions. They have VOCs. Another brand of lacquer paints is Trucolor. They have a wide range of colors, not all model railroad related. It thins with acetone. And dries to a gloss.
  20. I'm in too. This is a big bird. 👍 Seems Trumpeter really went to town on all the weapons. My Hasegawa kits all needed aftermarket weapons, most of which were more specialized to the period of the jet I model. A-7D Search and rescue carried LAU-7 rocket launchers and CBU-52/58 bombs. Need aftermarket. And Soviet/Russian jets. Rare, but better availability now.
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