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About PMG

  • Birthday 03/28/1944

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  1. Good day fellow collectors and builders

    I am seeking your knowledge and experience in determining an insurance value

    of a vintage wooden ship model I acquired in an estate sale auction over 20 years ago.

    It is the very ship model spoken of by PMG here years back. HMS Serapis by  AEROPICCOLA Torino


    The ship is still in her original carton although the exterior has seen its wear from years of storage and moving several times.  From what I can recall she was part of a very large collection a famous collector and builder in the USA. Unfortunately the good doctor passed away a couple of decades ago and I have no source to learn more of this particular model.

    What I do feel is important is that she is an early 1970s late 60s model maybe older.  No parts are missing or damaged along with all sails cloths and flags.

    I did come across the very same company built model of a scale size larger built and on display in a marine museum on the eastern states coast.  It at the time was for sale with a starting bid of $150,000 U.S.

    Do I believe the value of this scale size larger model?  I could not determine any further information at the time and since the story is lost.


    Should I decide to part with this ship, I do want to insure her at a value fair to protect the interest.


    Any information other members here can provide is greatly appreciated.  I am not at all comfortable shipping this fine vintage model for appraisal purposes prior to an insured policy or determination.


    Feel free to reply


    Thank you in advance!





  2. Dear friends, It's a long time ago, but thank you to wake me up. Actually, I was involved in a lot of relatively big projects. I retired in 2006 and all my children are away. My house was a little bit too big for my wife and myself and so we decided to build a new one just near the old one. It took us two years. And then we had to move and to empty the old house (a lot of work as the new one is definitively smaller than the old one). I needed also a certain time to arrange the roof the way I wanted to have a nice place for shipbuilding. All of this is now on a good way, and some weeks ago I considered to work again on my Serapis (I bought her also more than 30 years ago...). First, some repairs. One of our cats bite a cathead (it's true). Imade a new one. Then, I have to continue the quarter deck. I decided to move the wheel in front of the mizzen mast. If you look to drawings of the HMS Roebuck by exemple, you see that the wheel is always in front of the mast. The wheel is on a strange place on the drawings of Aeropiccola. You gave me now a good incentive to continue, and in the coming days I shall send you some photos. Best regards, Pierre
  3. Hello John, Sorry for answering so late, but I was also on vacation. Serapis is a fine ship, even if not 100 per cent accurate. I have all the blueprints but they are very large. About the rigging, no big problem. They just copied all details from "the anatomy of Nelson's ships" by Nepean Longridge. If you can get the book, you have all what you need... Very happy to see your photos when they are available. Pierre
  4. Hello Martin, I discover your log today. Congratulations! Your Aggie is very very good and looks great! And your comments are well documented. I store all your pictures for further use. Pierre
  5. Hello Martin, Thank you for the comment. That's exactly what I do too (water and the "soldering iron". But, I do it only for the front planks. For the others I try to maintain the natural curvature of the wood if possible. Best regards, Pierre
  6. Hello All friends, After a (very) long absence, I am back on this log (thanks to Martin who waked me up). I realise I didn't post the last pictures of the second planking of my Aggie as it was at the end of June 2014. Actually, I didn't any work on since June 2014, but I am well decided to restart next week. See you soon, Pierre
  7. Happy Birthday, Sjors, and many shipbuilding years, Pierre
  8. Hello Sjors, I don't know if it can help you, but I am joigning another picture of the quarter galleries. Notice that all is temporarly pinned. Pierre
  9. Second planking is going ahead, slowly but safely. The upper side of the starboaed side is now roughly made. It still needs a lot of work... First, filling some hollow zones, Second filling the small gaps, Third, cutting acurately the gun ports ( and here I realised that painting the sills was a waste of time, as you damage anyway the painting) Fourth, sanding, sanding and sanding. Here are some pictures. May be that it can give some inspiration to Sjors about the quarter galleries. Pierre
  10. Hello Sjors, Nice progress! Very nice your gunports. Go ahead! Pierre
  11. Hello Sjors, Nice to have your comments (and valuable advises). About the frames in the gunports, in fact, I simply followed the instructions of the manual provided with the kit... Page 4 under the title "gun ports" they say that the gun ports without lids can be framed after first planking. And, on page 5 at the end of title "second planking" they do the remaining gun port sills. I don't know if it's a good idea or not. Surely not if you consider to not paint the hull between the wales. In themeantime, I secured small balsa pieces on each side of the gunports to have enough surface to glue the sills when I need to do it. I was first intended to make them as the second planking progress, but finally I shall wait to do it after the sanding of the second planking to be sure to have at any place the 1mm insert. Pierre
  12. Hello Sjors, I take a lot of pleasure following your interesting and well documented log. What is your experience using the Caldercraft template? I was very disappointed using it. And, I decided to redraw all the gunports using the device for drawing the water lines and of course a calliper square. It took me a lot of time but I am happy with the result. I think that the problems is due to the fact that the paper template cannot follow properly the curvature of the hull. Your Aggie will be great! Pierre
  13. Happy birthday to you, Christian, and many more shipbuilding years! Pierre
  14. Hello WBlakeny, I discover your log. Very interesting and well documented. I feel myself dreaming to build a scratch model once in my life... You have also very nice and good tools. Congratulations, Pierre
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