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Everything posted by lagrayjr

  1. Ed,have you considered using the photo-etching process to make the hooks and or thimbles? The thimbles could be made out of thicker material and heart shaped. Laman
  2. Gary, I strongly recommend that you secure the keel to your building board by bolts through the keel as suggested by Ed Tosti. The pipe clamps that you are using will get in your way as you progress building the frames. Eventually they will all have to be removed. In addition the wires you're using to stabilize the frames will be of great help however, they will get in your way and have to be removed when you start working on the internal structures and gun ports. You will have to stabilize the ship using the heights of breath externally. This requires the keel to be firmly attached to your building board. Ed discusses this in one of his later post but I cannot remember exactly where it's located. I am currently building the Naiaid and am just finishing the lower deck. I hope this suggestion will keep you out of a significant problem later on. Great build and I am enjoying watching it. Laman
  3. Ed, would you please comment on your two methods of finishing, beeswax versus varnish. Which do you like better? I am very interested since I need to start adding some finishes to inaccessible places on my Naiad. On some of my other models I finished I have used sanding sealer which seems to give acceptable results. Thanks. Laman
  4. Ed,I just received your new book this week, absolutely outstanding just as the other two books on the Naiad. Of course, the plans included are extremely detailed and are the best. I have not had a chance to read the book in its entirety; however, what I found interesting were several new building techniques that I had not thought . These will be helpful with my current build of the Naiad, which I have just finished all of the framing. Laman.
  5. Danny, great tutorial on clue blocks. Just curious, what is your next build going to be? We are all looking forward to it. Laman
  6. Ed, I am proceeding nicely with the build of Naiad and have completed the fore and aft cant frames. I'm currently working on the square frames which is, as you know, slow. I have a question regarding frame construction. Square frame 6F says" third centerline on lower centerline". I am not sure how to interpret this. In addition I would like to confirm that all top timbers and 4th futtocks are10.5" side at heels. This is a great build and I thank you for writing the two books which are extremely detailed and easy to understand and follow. This summer I took a trip on the Sea Cloud built in 1931 for Marjorie Wethington Post and E.F. Hutton on the Adriatic Sea. There was a crew of a proximally 50. The ship sailed every day we were on it. One day we had a strong wind and the ship made 11.7 knots. The ship is similar to a clipper and is square rigged. It was exciting to see the crew handled the sails etc. I am sure you would find a trip similar to this very exciting especially since you are building the Young American. The trip was through Lindblad Expeditions National Geographic which I highly recommend. Laman
  7. great! will follow with interest Laman
  8. Nice work, Maury, Laman
  9. I tried to buy some blackened- it at my local hobby store yesterday and they were out. The owner called their supplier and was told that it was not any longer being produced and that the owner of the company and his wife had both been recently killed in an automobile accident. I cannot verify if this is true but if so it is sad for all of us. Laman
  10. I just received a copy of Comet of 1783 by David Antscherl over the weekend. To say the least the book is outstanding. What I found most interesting was David's detailed description of the fire room and how it works. I personally had no idea about a fire ship and am amazed at the complexity of the structure. David does not repeat what he has written in TheFullyFramed Model; however, the Comet does show the detail differences in a fire ship. In addition the book includes a very detailed description of building quarter galleries and the armament of the ship which is 18 pound carronades. These are not covered in the FFM books. This book is a must for anyone who is interested in 18th-century British naval power. Congratulations David for another outstanding contribution to our literature. Laman
  11. I would like to purchase one. Would it be fourth while to try to put together a combined order from interested people? Laman
  12. Is there any update on using rock tumblers for rounding blocks and dead eyes? If so what is being used inside the tumblers for the abrasive? Laman
  13. One of the best machines I own, extremely versatile. Laman
  14. Danny, how did you end the rough-tree rail at the stern? If possible can you show us a picture of this area of the ship. Also are you planning to add a taffarel fife rail? Great work Laman
  15. Look at LE BONHOMME RICHARD by JeronimoPage 24 Laman N
  16. When do you use silver solder vs soft solder? I see you use both. Thanks Laman
  17. Attack can be used to dissolve cured epoxy .http://www.ottofrei.com/Attack-Glue-Dissolving-Compound-.html and does not discolor wood. Laman
  18. We all hope that you will do another book and set of plans. I've just received volume 2 of the Naiad here and it is outstanding. Laman
  19. Ed, I see your book is out. I have just ordered it from Seawatch. Great! Laman
  20. Danny, you may want to consider installing the truck molding, waist rail and sheer rail before you permanently mount the cannons. Also, it may be easier to build but not install the gun port lids at this time. Laman
  21. I hope you include the masks on the cd in volume two. I would like to try to do some photo-etching..Love your work and cannot wait to begin construction on the Naiad in about a year when I finish a FFM Swan class ship. Laman
  22. Danny, is there molding above and below the upper counter planking? If so it may be easier to install it now rather than later. I am out of town and do not have access to my reference material. Laman
  23. Danny, it looks like you used the TFFM plans to line up the forward bulkhead which is different from the NMM plans. As you know the alignment of the upper deck and quarterdeck beams do not match on the two framing plans. I am planning to do the same thing. Is this correct? Laman
  24. I also use Minwax Stains, Jacobian for standing rigging and Fruitwood for running rigging. I like the slight variation in color It is hard to believe you can get a better look but it can be a little messy to clean up. Laman
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