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Everything posted by KeithAug

  1. Wish I knew how to do 3D printing - all the software issues and failed printing attempt I read of sort of puts me off. I admire those who have mastered the the technique as you seem to have.
  2. Roger - i wasn't aware of this and as you say it would seem to be easily circumvented by ebooks. Maybe the law makers have been reading too much Fahrenheit 451.
  3. In my sailing days we used to call it "surfing". Very exciting in a short keel light displacement boat.
  4. Very nice, How did you make the propellors and "A" frames? Are the blades brazed on to the hubs and how did you achieve the twist? Ditto the bearing bosses on the "A" frames. Hope you are keeping safe.
  5. NRG Member 148 Location Belfast, Maine #2379 Posted Monday at 05:23 PM Keith, I got some more photos of Cangarda today. Slight rain and overcast. I put in a request to get aboard to take more photos, hope to hear back sometime today or tomorrow. Note that the discharge pipes are not symmetrical port to starboard.
  6. NRG Member 148 Location Belfast, Maine #2373 Posted Friday at 09:00 PM (edited) Keith, they just pulled a Cangarda out of the shed. It is still covered up. When they get some stairs and open her up, I’ll try to get some pictures inside. Rick Edited Friday at 11:13 PM by Rick310 Delete email
  7. So this is the start of another build. Many of you will be aware this was coming because of the posts at the end of my now completed Germania Nova project. Rather than go into the history of Cangarda I will add a reference to a couple of documents which cover her history admirably. For many years I have admired the beauty of gentlemen's yachts built between the late Victorian period to the short reign Edward VIII (1880 - 1936). It seems to me this was a period where style and opulence over rode functionality and efficiency. They were designed to enchant the eye and not the purse and their sheer beauty was the aesthetic epitome of elegant ship design. Cangarda is the last American example of this unique type of vessel. As we all know getting the build information together for projects can be daunting and even when it does start coming together we all get the "how the hell am I going to reproduce that" moments. Lack of information and doubting my skills are my greatest barriers to making a start. Unfortunately once the information side comes together the excuse of inadequate skills just becomes a challenge and I find myself compelled to overcome. So here goes! Firstly I have to acknowledge some great people who have been ( and continue to be) instrumental in overcoming the information hurdle. I was reluctant to make a start on this build without a reasonable definition of the hull lines. A extensive internet search produced little to go on and I eventually decided that the only option was to approach Jeffrey Rutherford of Rutherford's Boat Shop inc. Rutherford's Boat Shop rebuilt Cangarda in the early 2000's and are primarily responsible for the wonderful restoration we see today. Not withstanding the challenges of running a business Jeff responded promptly to my "out of blue" email and facilitated the information that I needed. Many thanks to Jeff. Here I must also thank Andrew Davis of Tri Coastal Marine who provided the engineering expertise for Cangarda restoration project. Andrew supplied the hull lines and general arrangement drawings in PDF format. Many thanks Andy. Finally a special thank you to one of our own. I find that inevitably most photographers of beautiful vessels concentrate on the grand vistas while missing the intimate details. Videos can help as they catch the detail in passing but often they don't have the desired resolution. Video tours are better but often unavailable. The ideal solution is a visit to the ship but this isn't always possible. However MSW provides a wonderful network of very helpful people. Here I must make special mention of Rick310 who has gone well beyond the call of duty to photography all those details which make the model come to life. Thank you Rick for your past and ongoing efforts as the official photographer for the project. So a start is made. Here are some reference document for those of you interested in Cangarda's history. magadoma_cangarda.pdf ‎rutherfordboats.com-resources-CYS2006_CANGARDA.pdf.webloc https://www.sandemanyachtcompany.co.uk/yacht/618/pusey-and-jones-126-ft-steam-yacht-19012009
  8. Fantastic Rick, you are being tremendously helpful, l think I am going to have to dedicate this build to you. Such wonderful people at MSW. So much detail to see in the hull photographs it supports me in my decision to go for a very large scale.
  9. Hakan, Given the choices i think I would concentrate of the sailing. The model can wait for bad weather days. Great to hear your are on a rapidly upward health trajectory.
  10. Hello Hakan You haven't posted for a while. Im hoping that it is because you are too busy enjoying life. Best wishes.
  11. Funny thing the english language. Very few writers choose all the right words and and punctuation all of the time. I tend to miss out words and punctuation and when I do get it right spell check usually replaces the key word with something else. It was much simpler when I used a dipping pen and ink. Al - yes that would put me off.
  12. Are you using plans from Billings? I built Smit Rotterdam 35 years ago so I will be interest to see how you get on.
  13. I found the whole debate fascinating, which probably means that I too am blessed with Shelton’s traits.😀
  14. Obscure knowledge, Sheldon Cooper ……………….QED. …………..Amazing!
  15. Denis, Brass is fairly expensive but you can defer some of the cost by recycling domestic plumbing fittings as well as door furniture, stair carpet rods, brass weights etc, etc.
  16. Denis. The horizontal sections are relatively straightforward. They will tell you a lot and should be quite quick to do. Is your reluctance based on a lack of knowledge of how to do this because if it is you can get help, just ask. If it isn’t a knowledge issue and you just feel more comfortable with a suck it and see approach this is also fine. Given the fairly simple lines of Miranda you will probably come up with an acceptable solution either way.
  17. I have to take my hat off to you guys. Such a detailed knowledge of so many obscure subjects. Sheldon Cooper would be proud of you.
  18. Roger, Keith, Aren’t we saying that (despite our collective talents) we aren’t the experts in conservation and that it might be better to get the expert advice? I recall one of the common messages of The Repair Shop is try the least aggressive methods first and then only test them out in small and preferably non critical (hidden) areas.
  19. Yep - I agree. Over here we have a programme called "The Repair Shop" where a group of restoration experts demonstrate their skills over a wide range of treasured and sentimental possessions. It is surprising the range of techniques they use. Some are counterintuitive and are learned from many years of experience. Experimentation with a restoration project might get a 90% success rate. The problem is the damage caused by the 10% of failed interventions.
  20. Your woodworking skill continue to impress. I know this log is recording an historic build but even with such a fine saw I would have expected a "chopping" action between the brass and the teeth. It is remarkable how you managed so well. I wonder whether a jig and a hand held triangular needle file would have been an option for the notching process? Never the less it turned out pretty well.
  21. Sympathhetic restorations can be challenging but with a good base model they are very worthwhile. This looks like a very interesting subject. Is it just the deck that is metal or is the hull metal as well? I look forward to seeing how this one turns out.
  22. Thanks Rick It is amazing the bits of detail that can be picked up from your photos. The one of the rudder shows a lifting eye on the hull above the prop, presumably for attaching the prop hoist. Also good detail of the anode on the rudder and having seen this it makes sense of the attachments on the keel. I also see the scroll work at he bow isn't a continuous carving but has a definite joint towards the forward end. A picture is worth a thousand words. I really must start a build log and copy all the Cangarda preparatory chats into it. I'm with my sons and family at the moment (doing various maintenance jobs) so it will be later in the week for starting the log.
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