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Everything posted by KeithAug

  1. looking very clean, all that filling and sanding seems to have done the trick.
  2. Im sorry to hear about your friend Hakan. life is a bit of a lottery and often it seems to be the better ones who draw the short straws.
  3. Valeriy, it has been a great privilege and pleasure to follow your magnificent build. Your skills are an inspiration to us all. I hope the new year brings with it peace and prosperity for you all.
  4. Druxey, no its naked as the day it was made, just fitted with a bit of tension. The most pleasing bit is how nicely the edge closest to the hull sits. I was a bit worried that I would need to reinforce this with wire but in the event it naturally took up the required shape.
  5. I know, I should resign before I am sacked. No - that is the domain of my lady wife and I don't need the competition. I think at present he has a full time job with Eberhard. Keith, Druxey, Hakan, Pat, Noel, Phil, Gary - thank you all for your very kind words. I finally tackled attaching the netting. I gingerly started to remove the pins and as my wife said the lace didn't disintegrate. The netting attaches at two points on the cranse iron, at multiple points on the jib stays and then to the brace for the stays. Once the pins were removed the lace was very flimsy and this added to the difficulty of getting it taught. I started by attaching the fore and aft lines working alternatively on each side. I then started working fore to aft with the port and starboard stay attachments. I removed all the stray ends as i progressed. It took me the best part of 2 afternoons to get the net looking suitably taught but I was very pleased with the result and in particular the contribution of my better half. Not much more to do now but I do need to make a start on the display cradle.
  6. We have all gone soft. Don’t you remember the electric fires with coiled wire behind a grid wide enough for kids to push their fingers through. In my day an electric shock a week was considered a good way of toughening kids up. All the electrical equipment in our house had mandatory rat chewed flexes repaired expertly with scotch tape or bandaids.😐
  7. Good luck with the model. You are going to need a bigger supply of Maltesers.
  8. Hakan, the framing and planking are looking pretty special. Excellent job so far. Sorry you didn’t all get together and I hope they are all well soon. There is always next Christmas.
  9. Best wishes to you and your family Keith. My brother in law in Arizona says it might be as cold as 60f and that the barbecue Turkey may have to be eaten with jumpers on. Keep warm.
  10. Thank you all - unfortunately I failed - it's not finished - Christmas got in the way. But here is how she stands. I had made the telegraph, wheel, binnacle and instruments some time ago but not fitted them in case of damage. So I glued them in place. I then stared thinking about attaching the netting to the already crowded cranse iron. You can see the attachment eye at the 7 o'clock position. I am nervously approaching the task of removing all the pins from the netting. I think it will all collapse in a tangled heap but the Admiral assures me otherwise. Merry Christmas.
  11. Simply magnificent Valeriy. I hope that you and your family are safe and well over the festive season and through the coming year.
  12. Brian, looks can be deceptive. It gets more and more untidy as I work and I start to get frustrated as tools and parts start to get lost. Finally when I am doing more searching than working I give up and tidy everything. Keith, Dan, Andy, Steve, Mark, Druxey, Lefebvre, Brian, Pat, Zbip, Richard, and everyone else thank you all for your continuing interest and support. To everyone may I wish you and your family a Happy Christmas.
  13. Ras - nice job on the lockers. I particularly like the cup holder for the six pack of lager to the starboard side of the steering position.
  14. Thank you to everyone who has commented upon and / or liked my work. Firstly a bit of catching up with the upper ends of the masts. The lower foremast showing the crosstree and the shrouds. The mainmast crosstree and shrouds prior to mounting the radar. The small job of gluing on the previously made radar was completed. $ The mountings for the port and starboard navigation lights were made from .040" thick mahogany. Painted brass lights were then made and fitted. I still have a few things to do but it is now typically 2 to 3 deg c in the workshop so the model is going to be moved into the family room for completion. Here are the final 2 shots of Germania in the workshop.
  15. Hermann - they were just a set I picked up through a google search. i have had a look but can't find the exact ones but these are very similar. https://www.aquamaremarine.com/uk/product/quick-release-pad-eye-ratchet-strap-kit-5-4m/
  16. Druxey - noted ! will follow your advice. Veszett - it is steel - it is quite heavy so it should be ok. What a coincidence Chris. Dogs and Grandchildren are a delight.
  17. The book "Jolie Brise - A Tall Ship's Tale" by Robin Bryer shows line drawing of the hull of the Jolie Brise taken off the actual hull in the 1926 by Jack Laurent Giles.
  18. Mark - Thank you but I recall a story on MSW ( I think by Patrick of Omega fame) about a model yacht that was lost on its maiden voyage. Fingers crossed that she keeps it for some time as a memory of “ Grandi’.
  19. Tom. Beans Christian name is Eve. Her mother started referring to her as “my little bean” when she was about 2 months old and the rest of the family have called her Bean ever since. Mark yes I will - probably CA Tom, yes the winches arose from a discrepancy between Germanias deck plan and photographs. Andy Mark Pat Tom and Brian - thank you all for taking time to comment.
  20. Thank you Pat, Mark and Andy. You may recall that about a month ago I decided to do a parallel build of a pond yacht so here it is. The starting point was an old hull that had been collecting dust in the garage for 35 years plus. My original plan was to mount a mast and hack some sails out of a bit of cloth and give it to the granddaughter (Bean) as a stocking present. But I looked at it and thought the deck might be improved a little. So I got some 1/4 inch thick spruce and glued a sheet of black card to one side. I then slit off deck planks with the pre attached caulking. The planks were then glued to the hull and the edges were planed to match the hull profile. I then started to think maybe i need to elaborate on some of the other features. So the yacht acquired a deckhouse, brass fittings etc. Bean loves Maisie the dog so she had to go on board. And the yacht needed an owner "Captain Bean". Hopefully Captain bean will be a proud owner and therefore the yacht needs a display stand. By this stage I was starting to worry it my disappear over the horizon on its first outing so it got a rescue line. Now it just needs wrapping and sending to Santa.
  21. Tom - A charming bunch, you must be very proud. Some of them seem to have outgrown you. I constantly criticise my daughter-in-law for letting my granddaughter grow too fast.
  22. Congratulations Brian, a wonderful model and the stand is inspired. It has been a great journey and it has been a pleasure to follow your build. Your craftsmanship and dedication has produced a truly remarkable result that I hope will bring you pleasure for many years to come. 10/10 for your first scratch build, so what next?
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