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Posts posted by IgorSky

  1. The idea of posting rigging boom was born suddenly for me. Feature of "bottle" modeling is that it should be possible disassembly and rigging before placing the model in a bottle and reassemble all we have made before inside the bottle.

    In this project, I am going to put into bottle the hull of the model piece by piece, and then later install the mast and pull the rigging.





  2. Many thanks Mike. Patrick, Mark, Harry and and all who are interested in this project!

    I really appreciate your comments and feedback!


    Now I will try to answer you and tell you about new updates.


    Are those blocks wood?

    No, Mike, these blocks I make using glue. I tie the threads in knot and add a small drop of glue to the knot. Please, look at this photo:




    Just our of curiosity, how will you step the masts into the hull? It doesn't look like you are using a hinge - are you using a string from the bottom of the mast through the bottom of the hull? I'm wondering because I'm doing a similar ship in an upright bottle, but still trying to figure out how to step the masts as I would prefer to avoid using a hinge.

    In this project, I do not use the loops, hinges or other similar tricks. I am going to put the mast into the bottle separately from the hull. There is a hole in the deck for the mast -




    Very nice work on those 'blocks'. Once again, you look like you're doing a top job on some pretty tricky bits and pieces.

    Patrick, I'm trying to find a simple ways to solve many problems. Sometimes I do it :), but sometimes not :(


    And those tiny blocks are incredible.

    Oh, Mark, these blocks are very easy to do, but as a result they look pretty good, especially since very few people will be able to see them inside the bottle :)


    Your Endeavour came out fantastic, much nicer than mine with all that details and the clean work. Only the stern is a little bit too "round and bulky" for my taste. When I built mine I used the same plans you did which aren`t the clearest. I tried to make the hull in "plank on frame technic" which was a real thrill in that scale of 1:500. Looking forward to see yours bottled.

    Oh, thank you my old frend Harry!

    I would like to clarify that this model can not be called as model of the Endeavour. The fact that in the beginning of this building I have changed ratio of the her hull. As I said, I made this hull at the end of 2014, but then I did not like this resultat. So I did not continue the construction in that time. Now I decided to finish it, to test the new material for the manufacture of the sea and some of my ideas.

    Yes, I use еруыу drawings of the yacht Endeavour to make of deckhouses, some elements and sail, but I can not call it as the yacht Endeavour :(


    Harry, can I look at the photos of your model of Endeavour?

  3. I'm pondering on entering an Igor instruction class. You've got so much to teach ... brilliant

    Many thanks Carl!

    But I also continue to learn. This model has become my testing ground for the testing new ideas and technologies :)


    During the last weekend I was continuing to work with sails.


    At first I have glued grommets using CA. But it was not the good idea.




    Then I tried to use Titebond II.




    Then I have drilled holes.





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