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Posts posted by IgorSky

  1. Many thanks, Lawrence, Patrick, David, Michael, Nenad and all whom is interesting this project!


    How can you see something that small and work on it without losing it?

    Oh, David, of course, from time to time some details disappear right before my eyes. :)


    So, I continue.

    I made another the running light, but with the red color.











  2. Great work like always, I just love all of that very fine tiny detail that amazes me just to sit back in take it all in, Well Done, ENJOY. 

    Regards   Lawrence

    Many thanks, Lawrence!


    After a long break, I again continue to work with this project.

    Yesterday, I decided to use new bottle. Since I need to continue my experiments with the using of silicone for the manufacture of the sea, I think that this shape of the bottle best suits my needs.




    Best Regards!


  3. Many thanks all who was enjoying this mini-project!

    Subject of miniaturization long been interested in me. And gradually I am moving in this direction.

    In the course of this project I had some new ideas that I will check later.

    However, already a need to find other materials and other tools, other methods.


    Thank you for your feedback, the words of encouragement and your interest!

    Best Regards!


  4. Choosing a boat and lighthouse prototypes came somehow by itself - I like this combination in a long time and I even tried to draw them.

    So, I started this project with the building of boat. Based on the size of the interior space, the scale is around 1/3000.

    I started to build a boat in almost the same technology as the rest of my models. First I made the deck from several small strips of pear, which I previously whittle away with sandpaper to 0.3 mm. The deck is also the basis for the above-water part of the body. Then I glued the boards of black hornbeam.



  5. Hi everyones!

    First of all I want to thank to Piet. His miniature diorama in some way inspired me to this mini project.

    From time to time I have a desire to try their skills in the direction of further miniaturization of shipbuilding in bottles. Here, a short history of one of these small projects.
    The flask with strange shapes, reminiscent of a heart with an asymmetrical arrangement of the neck, lying in a drawer of my desk for a long time, but I did not have any specific ideas for using it as a receptacle for the construction of a model in a bottle ... And then ... As always, the idea came unexpectedly - sea, rock, lighthouse, boat.
    On this photo this flask is in the center


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