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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Hi Michiel, Looking good, but shouldn't the schaarstokken around the main hatch touch each other sideways? Jan
  2. Glad you are back! You can do a 'speed log' as many of us have done: just the highlights of what was done before. Jan
  3. To be sure to get the record, I should perhaps stop building for a couple of years Jan
  4. Nice one! Did you do the design yourself, or did you use the Modelshipways longboat as a starting point? Jan
  5. Knowing Arjan a little bit longer now, I guess part of the modifications will grow in his head while building Derflinger is a 1930-ies reconstruction by Loeff, who had almost no acces on reliable sources on Dutch shipbuilding. It is in no way a good depiction of a Dutch Fluyt. The Mantua is based on a model, and in that way, it is a model of a model, and the kitmaker/builder does not know how relieable the original model is. So modifications to get the thing closer to 'how a fluit should look like' is a sensible strategy.And yes, kitbashing is used for building a modified kit. (Although I'm not quite sure whether a redesign of a kit will still go under the name of bashing, in my view bashing is more like replacing ugly metal gunports and doorhinges with better looking ones ) Anyway, this fluit will be very good looking Jan
  6. It's a pitty that Chucks buildlog on the Mayflower is gone (at least, I didn't manage to find it) but Chuck Passarro does absolute wonders on basswood. I think he is also using the minwax pre-satin /stain combination. Jan
  7. OK, the reason I ask, is that Corel added a kind of non-specific figures to the Prins Willem kit, in stead of a serious replica of the original. Made paintin git 'like the original' an impossibility. Jan
  8. Thanks! To my model, the "MSW disaster" proved to be a blessing in disguise: I'm back into little knots again Jan
  9. So yours will be flaring red in stead of the Landstrom blue? Will be in ainteresting excercise, painting the little figures in full colour. (btw: how do the Corel figures match to the originals?) Jan
  10. Now that is a unicorn! Sculpting a 1,5 cm long unicorn. That's amazing! (or in your case I could also say: it's up to your usual, unbelievably high standard ) Jan
  11. Still struggling with the idea that this is paper Jan
  12. I did ask this at a couple of bookstores around, but what they do is: go to the website, order the book, and ask me to pay book price, taxes, fees and other legal stuff taht I would pay by ordering through internet myself, and a 'handling fee' for themselves on top of this. As far as I have discovered by now, there is no way to circumvent these high imports (and if someone knows how, please give a response....) And yes, ofcourse amazon is available, but in principle the package will only be cleared by customs after paying the legal amounts. (tax free import by mail is, as Carl mentioned above: 22 euro). [edit] And : check the proices of the Swan series on Amazon: you can almost buy all seawatch books for that amount.... Jan
  13. In the Netherlands there is 'Uitgeverij Van Wijnen' (http://www.uitgeverijvanwijnen.nl/) they have the the book on Valkenisse already in their list, and they have the Dutch version of the Hoving-book on the Utrecht. A second one firm is Lanasta (http://www.lanasta.com/), developping a nive portfolio of modelling and maritime books for the Dutch market. Would either of these two be an option as 'import-partner' for the Seawatch-range? Importing in bulk (or as Klaus suggests even printing the books here), might be a method to lower the relative effect of the import and tax on the bookprice. Jan
  14. I know that these chainplates are more to scale than your homemade ones from wire that are used in your first build. But, to be honest, I like the home-made ones better that the etched ones. But perhaps that is due to the fact that these are still a bit blingy. Jan
  15. That's detailing to the limit... You will be forced to remove microscopic dust particles, otherwise we will think that's just intended there to be Jan
  16. Why not? You will be doing the same with your Wasa in a while Jan
  17. That was me and wayne, but it was just the remark that the Dutch charter is the only one explicitly stating both spritsail topsails and staysail (no jib) btw Andersson (1927) states that there is a time window of about 50 years (1650-1700) in which probably ships had the option of using both stay-sails and spritsail topsails.According to him, before 1650 no staysails were reported, after 1700 no spritsail topsails are mentioned. In the intermediate period both were mentioned (and on the same ship) Jan
  18. Hi Carl, It is less serious than you suggest, but still.... Seawatch let us pay $25 for transport, and Dutch customs let you pay around 6% of the total value of the package (wihich is inclusing trasportation and insurance costs). A book of $70, will therefore cost you (70+25)*(1.06) = $100. I do hope Seawatch will go and find a European firm to import the books and sell them at a more compatible price.... Uitgeverij Van Wijnen import the book on Valkenisse by Napier, selling it for 89euro, but that is even ore than the price you have to pay by importiong it yourself..... Jan
  19. Beleive it or not: I did something today! Ratlines on the futtock shrouds of the main mast (port side only ) Not much, but at least a hundred times more than the previous three months! Jan
  20. I used a dark brown (oak, it's called) water based stain on my standing rigging. Black is just too black for my idea. Any very dark brwon will do, I guess. Be aware that the material you use, as well as your method of dying does result in different shades of brown. So thinking ahead is worthwhile..... Jan
  21. No negative on the book (which undoubtedly) will be great, as other seawatch-books are. But I have to agree with Carl that the import- and transport fees to be paid on US-imported books are rather high. And as to visit the US, the amount of paperwork needed for that is killing any fun of going..... Jan
  22. I posted something just before they changed to the new dedicated MSWserver. Apparently my post never reached it's destination.... I made two remarks - the game was almost dead on MSW 1.0, so I'm not sure whether or not it will revive here. Many of the "major" players stopped playing (something like: we've seen/posted them all) - another rule: to prevent misunderstandings and utter confusion: it is to the poster to follow the thread as long as its ship was not found, and to be the judge of the proposed solutions. So, without the consent of the poster, the next one is not to post a new ship. And as a PS: - don't forget to rename your pictures: the first one posted by PRM is named Bismarck 1.jpg, which gives it away rather easily
  23. Without you being able to check the past of the game, I could as well repost the old ones Jan
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