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  1. Keith, If it were I, I would leave the stabilizers off the boat. The gracefulness of the hull is just too sweet to have something hanging off it. Here’s a similar hull of a plastic kit currently being built.
  2. And away she goes. Yesterday in Penobscot bay. She will now leave US waters for Turkey.
  3. Search for rifiler files. I believe that will fit the bill.
  4. Does anyone know of publications printed around 1855? specific to rigging large American ships. This is for a real boat rigger friend of mine who’s at a loss on this era of rigging. Thanks.
  5. And in case you’re curious. Cyrus Hamlin designed this pulling boat. Plans for this boat may be here: Additional material, including the majority of Hamlin's ships plans, can be found in the Daniel S. Gregory Ships Plans Library, Mystic Seaport Museum, Mystic, CT.
  6. Wow! finally someone building this long ago made kit. I vaguely remember this kit. I live close to Rockland, Maine and grew up just south of Rockland so remember the Outward bound school and there pulling boats. Never seen a build of the kit so will be interesting to follow along. Good luck. one tip for the planking aspect. put scotch tape on the molds so t when glueing the planks on you do not inadvertently glue them to the molds.
  7. I was wondering how much work you’d get accomplished being in the museum working on this model. You have become an entity and can answer questions for visitors. Visitors like this kind of thing. best of luck on this renovation/ build.
  8. A great looking build you’ve got going on Jon. shes a real beauty being painted white.
  9. The ice plants in Maine only supplied crushed ice. it was easier to shovel. Not sure about the southern ports.
  10. Found plenty of images here. https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=chesapeake oyster drag/dredge&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5
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