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Everything posted by Tallshiptragic

  1. Thank you very much guys I also believe modeling is an art form. I've always enjoyed art and modeling and I believe they go hand in hand. Modeling is just another medium for creating art, as my gf says I will leave this world a prettier place by producing these model ships. I know, she's a keeper haha 😂 I have to say I doubt I'll build another ship with this level or ornamentation and to be honest I was always scared off as much as being eager to build her. What i I love about forums such as these is what knowledge we all can learn and share. Whether we take everything onboard or pick and choose, I know I follow many builds to see how other builders tackle items and to see if there is something I've yet to try, and trust me there always is!
  2. Congratulations Hennie! And welcome to the wonderful world of the Sovereign! The wait will be worth it, I've enjoyed my build of her significantly. Mine is from the original Sergal production but basically the same kit.
  3. Another update on the quarter galleries. Still a few more decorations to finish, and the simulated lead window glass - I'll use acetate sheet for this. I've also included a photo with the kit included turrets on top. The shape of these are pretty good however the roof tops have open holes in them and in reality had guilded shingles.
  4. Thanks Sjors some more work on the quarter galleries done. Also a shot of my replacement British crest which is fitted, compared to the kit provided version.
  5. Thats true, there are two ideals. Just that naturally patina copper takes on after time is just so lovely in my opinion
  6. One thing I overlooked until tonight was the after most gunport on the middle gundeck below the galleries is depicted by Van de Velde as a circular port with carved garnish... couldn't leave it so this is what I've done to fix this, again using milliput.
  7. On my Diana, I just left them to naturally oxidize and they darkened with a rather nice patina. I prefer things not to be too shiny if that makes sense.
  8. She is looking great Messis, and don't be too worried about the copper plates. They run in a similar fashion to the hull planks and being individually laid, while time consuming it's easy to accomplish. Are you going to purchase ready made plates or produce your own?
  9. Before getting too distracted with the stern I want to finish the sides first so have redirected my attention to the beakhead. I'm at a stage now where I will turn her around and continue with those decorations until the sides are even before progressing further.
  10. Thanks Grant, your right though. I have the same thoughts of some of the finish from kit supplied decorations. The gold coloured brass some of them come in are just far too gold which makes them look garish, though with some treatment it's easy enough to tone down the look. As a teenager I liked to build 1/32 armour and planes where I always played with weathering and like to use it now sparingly when required
  11. Who you trying to kid EJ, you love it like the rest of us hahaha!
  12. For painting I use Vallejo acrylic metal gold paint. This is a nice warm gold tone with a slight green hue which gives the appearance of patina on the gold leaf which I prefer over a bright gold. I will give them all a light wash with diluted black once all the decorations are on again to emphasise weathering.
  13. Thought I'd show a bit more detail of how I make the replacement decorations. A lot of the sergal pieces are either close enough or correct according to the descriptions from Sephtons book which match the Van de Velde sketch. The stern however as we know is the most incorrect basically all needs to be replaced. So I thought to best piece to show was the effigy of a winged Victory with her outstretched arms holding ribbons of gold. I am more comfortable in this small scale with sculpting so this is my preferred medium. To start I draw a template of the stern with the carvings in place to suit my model and using miliput a add thin pieces until they build up the body of the piece. My apologies for lack of steps in my photos as this is a messy business so I waited till the piece was complete. Once the miliput has dried it peels away from the paper back and can be glued to the model
  14. Haha don't make fun of my treenailing efforts! 😂 ive had an impromptu leave extension and with the kids at school and gf at work during the day... well haha
  15. Decorations a mix of new and provided sergal pieces on the f'cstle bulkhead. I love the busy look of the carvings on this ship.
  16. Bottoms of the quarter galleries sorted, lower dead lights enlarged and a the British royal crest added to the sides. Also have added a couple of the trim pieces to the head.
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