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Everything posted by Jparsley

  1. Hey my friend it looks great Every artist sees his own faults when no one else can Keep up the great work and I'm sure it will be awesome
  2. Wow dimitri she is looking better and better with every update Such a beautiful ship
  3. mike I think she looks great I cant see any of the warping and the non paintage looks great
  4. You definitely constructed a beautiful house boat It's a grand boat to have on display Congratulations
  5. Dimitris the anchors are interesting in shape love them how did tou get the brass finish on them once again clean clean clean work
  6. Bob the camera was a great buy the pictures are outstanding the gallery is lovely the planking is so smooth and straight im am a little jealous of your build shes a fine ship and your doing her justice
  7. Still going to use yours and marks ships for inspiration Need to get through the next two weeks party and vacation then back to my girl I do so hope she turns out like your twos they are both stunning in their own rights
  8. Wow tom she is looking great I agree with the upper shrouds having rat lines It does make her look more finished
  9. Thank you guys i do hope she loves it its been a quick and tiresome project but she is worth every minute i spent on it two weeks and i can start on my boat again still have projects for the birthday party then traveling halfway across the usa to another birthday party for her and her cousin when i come back i plan to do some major work on my ship i have so missed seeing it poor things been down in the basement alone and looking like its been beached lol
  10. Those are all very lovely I can see why the fascination with Asian ships You've done a great job
  11. It's done it's done yippee it's done now back to my boat I've missed the old girl but sure love my little girl more
  12. Hey Clare good to hear can't wait to see your next build Can you post a picture of your first build Would love to see what the ship you were talking about looks like
  13. clare i generaly am not into asian ships but yours i just beautiful great job on it thank you for sharing this build and the techniques
  14. thank you to everyone that has given supporting and uplifting thoughts prayers and comments family is doing better soon i can start posting some very boring pictures of my ship as it is slowly erected i look at almost every ship on here and wonder how in creation can some do what they do and i am in total admiration of them to everyone that has visited and commented thank you so much anyone that has a comment or can see something i need to improve please let me know i dont improve if i dont know what to improve on
  15. hello dimitris she is turning into a beautiful ship cant believe this is only your second build great job with all the details and painting
  16. No update on my boat house is almost finished but most importantly my admiral is doing great
  17. Congrats on the build she's a pretty lady and that case just sets her off wonderfully What's your next one going to be
  18. Nice skeleton now get some cloths on her Lol she is looking good I love the red gun ports Can't wait to do a ship like her my ship didn't call for a skeleton like yours mine was very basic in hull construction Keep it up and please post a lot more pictures
  19. Thanks to msw I had the idea to use my brass to make a mailbox what do you guys think
  20. I have a four year old I totally get it sometimes you want your boat most of the time your child it's a good balance system lol
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