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Everything posted by aydingocer

  1. If they drop some day, then I think I will just glue them back. When it comes to soldering, although I am familiar with soldering electronic parts, I still don't dare to do it in this model. For the purpose of the handles, it would also create other challenges such as isolating the handle while painting the bar in blue, since any soldering should be done before paint.
  2. Figures 429-432: Several photos showing today's output. Handles, doorsteps, side roofs. That's all for now. Thanks for watching!
  3. Figure 428: All parts ready for paint. I labelled the color not to make a mistake. I will start with white and proceed with blue and finally black, so that I won't need to clean the airbrush in too detail between the color changes.
  4. Figures 421-427: Doorsteps. You will note that when assembled the two steps are not parallel to each other. It is very easy to confuse the parts as they are very similar, I keep the technical sheet handy as reference.
  5. BUILD DAY 41 / 2 hrs / (TOTAL: 104 hrs) Rooftop on both ends. These ones will remain fixed on the wagon, while the middle section will be removable. Figure 418: Roof parts. Figure 419-420: Roof steps.
  6. BUILD DAY 40 / 1 hr / (TOTAL: 102 hrs) Handles on door sides. They are to be installed without any painting. There is also an additional handle in body color on the ladder side. Photos showing my way of gluing the handles. - First I glue one of the "hinges" on its place. - Then I insert the handle to other hinge - Then I glue the handle at both ends. - Finally I move the second hinge and glue it in position. This way all three parts are aligned perfectly. Figures 414-415: --------- Figures 416-417: Parts ready for paint and in place.
  7. My new airbrush has arrived. It looks stunning. Work can continue as soon as I've got myself acquainted with it!
  8. 😄 Indeed and hopefully it will look like this when complete: Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Orient_Express_Sleeping_car.jpg
  9. Figures 412-413: Dry alignment of the roof infrastructure. They will be combined by gluing on three rails, then the rails then will sit on the wagon. That's is all for now. Thanks for watching!
  10. Roof is a combination of three constructions, which will be finally assembled together on common rails. The completed roof structure will not be glued to the carriage, instead it will be removable to make it possible to show the inside to your friends. Figures 401-407: The first construction. The parts are very precise and they fit perfect. I used CA glue all the way, using different viscosities depending. Paying attention to alignments is the key in achieving a correct structure, hence I took my time with ensuring right angles.
  11. BUILD DAY 39 / 2.5 hr / (TOTAL: 101 hrs) I ruined my good old airbrush a few days ago. While waiting for the new (and the better) one to arrive, I continue with the roof construction. Figure 401 : One of the etched sheets of roof parts. You really want to number and remove each part from the sheet one by one as you go along in order to avoid finding out you glued the wrong piece .
  12. BUILD DAY 38 / 0.5 hr / (TOTAL: 98.5 hrs) Figure 398-400: Today I spent about half an hour installing the footplates at both ends of the wagon.
  13. That could have worked, too, I guess. I do have Gorilla Glue actually but it didn't occur to me. Though, there is very limited possibility to clamp anywhere on the structure it would be very difficult to keep the parts squeezed until the glue has cured. But anyway, now I did it this way and the result was satisfactory enough 🙂.
  14. Assembling the head ends (with bellows) as well as the swing doors and lobby doors I had prepared earlier. The swing doors on either side of the bellows, as the name suggests, swing open and close, with the help of a copper bar. The small doors inside the bellows are fixed. There will come a folded iron plate glued on them later. That plate is supposed to be opened to form a "bridge" between the wagons to allow passage, when the doors are open. Figures 391-397: This is all for now. Thanks for watching!
  15. BUILD DAY 37 / 2 hr / (TOTAL: 98 hrs) The decals on carriage and head ends are ready, now finally it is time to assemble the carriage walls on the structure. A very delicate work where you use CA glue on a rather long structure and get the positioning right at first try. I dry tested and tested and tested and finally got the courage to do it. The idea of laying it on its side on a soft sponge helped get it done more easily. Below some photos showing the progress and the end result. Figures 385-390:
  16. Thanks, Yves, I have been following the tips you posted earlier alongside the manufacturer's instructions and results are great. The residue around "140" decal is barely visible anymore (below), after one day from application. The photo is taken under direct table lamp.
  17. Figures 380 - 384: Now I try the Micro Set and Micro Sol chemicals for the first time. Overall they look much better than standard decal application and I am pleased with the result. The Micro Sol solution is mainly aimed for further softening the decal to better adapt to uneven and irregular surfaces. Even though the surfaces on this train are plain flat, I still used it since it helps them look more like a layer of paint than a sticker. I dropped a small amount of each on separate cups and used separate brushes for application. I didn't want to dip the brush directly into the bottle. For detail instructions visit this document from the manufacturer: http://www.microscale.com/Merchant2/graphics/Instructions/MSISysteminstr.pdf This is all for now. Thanks for watching!
  18. Figures 375 - 379 : Swing doors. Similar construction procedure as the lobby doors.
  19. BUILD DAY 36 / 3 hr / (TOTAL: 96 hrs) Decal chemicals have arrived and I will start applying the decals. I have also ordered a new decal sheet from Amati (at a cost). I will replace some of those I had already applied and not looking great this time using the chemicals. Today's work also includes lobby doors and swing doors. - Swing doors, the slimmer ones, will be mounted on the head ends above. They are fixed. - The lobby doors, the wider ones, are to be placed on both sides of each end of the carriage (total of 4). In addition, it will be possible to open/close the lobby doors. Figure 369 - 374 : Starting with the lobby doors. Each door is composed of 5 main parts (including the glass) plus the ornaments. No big surprises in building therefore not much to comment, so I just post here the pictures from the construction.
  20. Figures 366-368: Photos showing the ready heads. All except the decals, as explained above, awaiting the decal setter from the mail. This is all for now. Thanks for watching!
  21. Figure 365: Preparing for paint. There are two colors here. Blue and matt black.
  22. Figures 363-364: Some photos showing the assembly process.
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