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Everything posted by paulsutcliffe

  1. Not much done lately due to the beautiful weather we are having, I did rip out the first window in the gallery as I wasn't happy with it, the centre mullion wasn't in the centre so I remade it It looked really much better to my eyes but now in the photo I'm not sure although the mullion is in the middle which is an improvement, I've done some work on the cheerful as well planking completed, mouldings on and one bulwark finished and painted , I will add some pictures when my phone decides to upload to OneDrive Thanks
  2. Found these outside a restaurant on the front in Santa Maria, cape verde, obviously Ben under water for a long time
  3. the ebony on the wale seems to have filled slightly while I've been away but the cherry black strake and mahogany of the frames still have a nice sheen
  4. After seeing the pictures above I decided i didn't like the finish on the hull sides/wale and also after reading the comet fireship book that druxey recommended, I have sanded down the whole side, removed the paint from the black strake, resanded and polished the wale to a sheen to achieve a cleaner result Also done the counter and square tuck on the cheerful And the last two weeks in cape verde, sun sea and sand, lovely! Pictures to follow
  5. Richard I recently purchased this one from a French company, quite expensive but high quality and works perfectly www.octantenligne.com Not sure what it is made from but has rubbery bottom so doesn't move and is quite heavy and nearly £100 including postage but I have to say worth every penny BOÎTE À ONGLET MINIATURE Boîte à onglet miniature pour tronçonnage précis de profilés, tubes et barres de cotes maximum 6 x 6 mm. Angles de coupe : 30°,45° et 90°. Épaisseur de lame de scie utilisable : jusqu’à 0,5 mm. Avec possibilité d’immobilisation du profilé pour permettre une découpe précise. Réalisation tout métal. Longueur : 10 cm. Largeur : 5 cm. Hauteur 1,2 cm. Regards Paul
  6. Hi Phil looking good on the frames there, nice and square, I also added two planks on top glued to each frame to keep everything straight and level during planning and to give something to clamp against I also added the transom now, as you said its very fragile but can be pinned at the bottom/keel joint with very thin copper wire to add strength you might still change your mind about being a beginner model when you start planking regards Paul
  7. Hi Mike According to Wikipedia the enterprise had 12x6lb cannons, I would go with the syren cannons and carriages if I were you, hope that helps Regards Paul
  8. Cistern added lined with grey painted card (as per Mr druxey) , first bit of proper carving on the fashion piece Regards Paul
  9. Thanks druxey, all down to your help and advice, much appreciated Regards Paul
  10. You can't imagine how good this makes me feel getting these somewhere like that should be, at one point I was thinking off leaving the model completely as they were driving me nuts trying to figure out the angles Regards Paul
  11. and to check I'm on the right track, the old windows butchered to fit, looks like I'm on the right track at last
  12. some window templates out of thin tin i recovered from an iron the wife was throwing away to check the shape etc by jove i think we've got it, thanks druxey again regards paul
  13. definitely think I'm getting there, main problem i think was the different sizes top and bottom thanks Paul
  14. Thanks Jason, I will post a photo from side on to check, fiddly little devils aren't they Paul
  15. Number three, I think we are nearly there So now just need to take these bars out cut some boxwood and start making the windows, the plans show nine pane lights but at this size I might go with four as druxey did above Thanks druxey for all your help Regards Paul
  16. After destruction experiment one, top and bottom are the same size now but still something not quite right
  17. Reconstruction has started To curved and the top is bigger than the bottom as I didn't take the taffrell into consideration when I cut them Major trimming needed Regards Paul
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