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Everything posted by paulsutcliffe

  1. Or more commonly known as fenders, I only know this as I have just fitted steps, fenders and chesstrees to my Sirius 😀 Beautiful work Doris, something to aspire too Regards Paul
  2. Mark you do like your anacronym's don't you OTOH? On the other hand you don't like typing LOL
  3. Educational licence is available at no charge or time limit
  4. How about just getting one printed to use as a master to cast your own in pewter or resin maybe
  5. Proxxon drill stand with enhancements "terminator Proxxon" no wobble in this setup and extra heavy, I don't even screw it down so I can use anywhere needed Regards Paul
  6. I recentlybdid some driving for a friend who owns a dental laboratory and even had a go at trimming special plates for him, the setup in the lab I thought was perfect for us modellers with a suction tube under the table and marathon micromotors and hand piece I now have a similar setup on my work table with foot pedal Works well and with the suction set up I can sand with the hand piece or my rotary file without clouds of dust getting everywhere Regards Paul
  7. I'm still not happy with the windows on this side, so next job is to remove them and redo Regards Paul
  8. Thanks Albert and Mark and all for the likes All steps now fitted and fenders and chesstree Regards Paul
  9. Surely the paint would wear off as the gun went back and forth when firing, and or leave a mess on the deck which definitely wouldn't be allowed, Oak goes that lovely grey colour with age Regards Paul
  10. Thanks everyone for the likes Four steps fitted, glued and pinned with copper wire Regards Paul
  11. Fabrication of the entry steps, I was going to do with a scraper then remembered reading about laminating something like this, the profile plan shows a very ornate edging so I decided on four layers, 1/32 strips were cut on the table saw then the four lengths, one two and three were glued together to make a steeped top, number four lines up with number two and creates the bottom lip, I rounded the edges before adding The rear edges will then be levelled up, bevelled to the hull, copper pins added and then stuck to the hull Regards Paul
  12. Hi mick Thanks it was the rivet part I was interested in, I couldn't work out if it was a nail trimmed off and peened on one end, did you anneal the rivet to make it more workable Again Nice work at that size Regards Paul
  13. Very nicely done mick, how are you getting the ends on the hinge pin Regards Paul
  14. Nice to see you back Keith and finishing the mill off Regards Paul
  15. Beautifully planked petr, a few coats of sanding sealer followed by some tung oil and that wood will look awesome Regards Paul
  16. Hi Jason I wouldn't take much notice of that picture it looks like a display model, the carriage looks like plastic as well, I sent an email to Mauritius archaeology about the carronades on my Sirius for Information and the example they have in the museum is a replica/display model with no provenance Regards Paul
  17. Thanks Guy @the learner glad you like it, shame it can hardly be seen now under the forecastle Hi Ed Thanks for that, the profile plan shows a triple on the fore channel as well, I will check out Longridge Regards Paul
  18. I was wondering the same thing, the lines for the Sirius were taken from a Spanish ship, could be something to do with that?? Regards Paul
  19. Hi Jason Definitely the thicker rope in my opinion, I went with the slightly thicker on my Sirius as I thought it added to the look, the pictures above look great, well done Regards Paul
  20. Hi BE You mentioned earlier that you had ordered holly strips for the deck but changed your mind and want for boxwood, can you tell me where you got the holly from please as I can't seem to find a supplier over here offering holly planks/strips Thanks Regards Paul
  21. Hi Druxey On my profile plans they show a triple in this position, I checked aots Diana and eds niaid build and couldn't see anything like this but decided as I'm not rigging I would show as per the plans, however I'm still unsure about that decision, what do you think? Regards Paul
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