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Erik W

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  1. Like
    Erik W reacted to jonny.amy in 18th Century Longboat by jonny.amy - Model Shipways   
    Hi Everyone,
    I will hopefully be starting the Longboat next Friday. Final odds and sods on Sherbourne are not far off from being finished. The backboard and display are almost finished, and I'm on the hunt for glass for the display case.
    I will post the usual out of box photos when I start the build.
  2. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from Q A's Revenge in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A few photos of the interior of the longboat with the bow and cockpit platforms installed.



  3. Like
    Erik W reacted to Dan Vadas in 18th Century Longboat by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - 1:100 scale - BOTTLE - using most of Chuck's Practicum   
    The Keel is made from English Box in three pieces. I've cut in the rabbet, and also glued on the Apron :




    To give you an idea of how small this boat is, here's a pic with a standard size needle threader for comparison :

  4. Like
    Erik W reacted to MikeB4 in 18th Century Longboat by MikeB4 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1/4"=1'   
    I've completed the windlass. I thought this was going to be much more difficult than it actually was, especially connecting the windlass to risers. If you follow Chuck's advise and take your time, you should have no problems. I actually got it to pivot on the pins which I didn't think it would be possible. I didn't use any glue to assemble this part.

  5. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from Dubz in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A few photos of the interior of the longboat with the bow and cockpit platforms installed.



  6. Like
    Erik W reacted to NorthCoastDesigns in Oseberg ship by NorthCoastDesigns - Billing Boats - Scale 1:25, 800 A.D (First wooden ship build)   
    Hi everyone !! 
    I'm really excited to be starting this today, though I'm really nervous too lol. If my ship turns out even a tiny bit as good as Jack Panzeca's or Von_Kossa's or any of the others here for that matter then I'll be happy! 
    This will be my first model ship build, although I do have a small background in architectual modeling and of course like many of us here I built plastic models and balsa planes as a kid. 
    I've always had a interest in wooden ship models and I love viking and viking longships so the Oseberg was the logical start for me. I bought this kit about five years ago however life kept me from having the time or place to start building until now. I've spent the last several days reading lots of build logs for this ship and now its time for me to start though I'll need lots of advice tips and help I'm sure. 
    I also want to mention that like Jack P. and von_Kossa I plan on remaking lots of the parts myself and covering all the plywood edges in oak veneer. (I may also do an oak deck like Jack P.) 
    Ok here we go the unboxing pics!!!

  7. Like
    Erik W reacted to Dan Vadas in 18th Century Longboat by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - 1:100 scale - BOTTLE - using most of Chuck's Practicum   
    Thank you to the Peanut Gallery for your support - this should be fun .
    Here's the first step. I carved a Plug for the hull, which I'll plank the same way I did the Cutter for Vulture.
    I'm assuming that a 26' Longboat will be proportionally thinner amidships than a 18' Cutter (i.e. they would both be about the same width) - there would be no need for extra width, as one man per thwart would still apply. I've made the hull as wide as will be possible to fit into the neck of the bottle, but still wanted the hull to be as long as possible.
    Final dimensions of the hull are 72mm long, 20mm wide and 12mm deep :


  8. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from Archi in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A few photos of the interior of the longboat with the bow and cockpit platforms installed.



  9. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from Dimitris71 in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A few photos of the interior of the longboat with the bow and cockpit platforms installed.



  10. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from avsjerome2003 in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A few photos of the interior of the longboat with the bow and cockpit platforms installed.



  11. Like
  12. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from dgbot in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A few photos of the interior of the longboat with the bow and cockpit platforms installed.



  13. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from GuntherMT in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A few photos of the interior of the longboat with the bow and cockpit platforms installed.



  14. Like
    Erik W reacted to gjdale in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    Very nicely done Erik - neat and precise!
  15. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from egkb in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A few photos of the interior of the longboat with the bow and cockpit platforms installed.



  16. Like
  17. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from Mike Y in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A few photos of the interior of the longboat with the bow and cockpit platforms installed.



  18. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from MikeB4 in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A few photos of the interior of the longboat with the bow and cockpit platforms installed.



  19. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from Archi in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A couple of quick shots of the two platforms.  I wasn't comfortable gluing the edges of the boards.  I didn't want to have glue smudges before I stain/poly.  I used left over .020" planking material along the bottoms and glued the boards to them.  This also reinforces the platforms to keep them flat when I stain/poly.  A considerable amount of sanding was necessary to get the bow platform to snug down low enough in the hull.


  20. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from Dan Vadas in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A few photos of the interior of the longboat with the bow and cockpit platforms installed.



  21. Like
    Erik W reacted to gjdale in 18th Century Longboat by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - 1:100 scale - BOTTLE - using most of Chuck's Practicum   
    You don't believe in making things easy do you Danny? This I've just got to see!
  22. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from Dimitris71 in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A couple of quick shots of the two platforms.  I wasn't comfortable gluing the edges of the boards.  I didn't want to have glue smudges before I stain/poly.  I used left over .020" planking material along the bottoms and glued the boards to them.  This also reinforces the platforms to keep them flat when I stain/poly.  A considerable amount of sanding was necessary to get the bow platform to snug down low enough in the hull.


  23. Like
    Erik W got a reaction from GuntherMT in 18th Century Longboat by Erik W - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Scale 1:48 - First wooden ship build   
    A couple of quick shots of the two platforms.  I wasn't comfortable gluing the edges of the boards.  I didn't want to have glue smudges before I stain/poly.  I used left over .020" planking material along the bottoms and glued the boards to them.  This also reinforces the platforms to keep them flat when I stain/poly.  A considerable amount of sanding was necessary to get the bow platform to snug down low enough in the hull.


  24. Like
    Erik W reacted to Jack12477 in 18th Century Longboat by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - 1:100 scale - BOTTLE - using most of Chuck's Practicum   
    Pulling up a chair to watch. This sounds intriguing !
    BTW I like the finished model in the first photo
  25. Like
    Erik W reacted to Dan Vadas in 18th Century Longboat by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - 1:100 scale - BOTTLE - using most of Chuck's Practicum   
    Hi all,
    A while ago I'd intended to build a Real de France in a bottle, but I've changed my mind on that as it's going to be a present for my girlfriend and she wasn't keen on the ship. I've since deleted the topic I'd started.
    So I've gone with her preference, which is a model of Chuck Passaro's 18th Century Longboat in a much smaller scale (1:100). It might be just a tad easier than the R de F . Here's a pic of the finished article (Chuck's, not mine) :

    I have a very nice (empty ) bottle of Dimple Scotch Whiskey which will be suitable, as I'm intending to build with a lofted mast and oars. The triangular shape of the bottle will accommodate both these features nicely. The bottle is 200mm long (including the neck) by 90mm wide/high
    Here's a pic of a scale pic of the boat in the bottle, just to make sure it fits . These two pics are about the same size as the real thing will be :

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