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Everything posted by ioannis

  1. Because I liked the perfection that deal with content beyond many times working 24 hours in order to finish what is started. The clock is ticking and i must continue to the next construction ,,,not only ships,,but varius other,,,,
  2. D9 picture, details A plastic Box has exactly inserted inside and sealed with silicon Battery and receiver will store inside Green arrow ​ showing round waterway witch need to be replaced with a quadrangle type water way in future Red arrow showing one of the 2 drums covered with thin rope -looks like round bollards –a 6mm long machine screw is fitted inside each drum This drum will also use as fairlead connecting servo and main sail Black arrows shows a beam transversely installed on deck as a slide way and stopper for the removable deck blue arrow rigging- binding ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mast details- D10 picture- Mast and bowsprit are made from iroko timber I found long sized 1.5m [octagonal shape] pieces at carpenters shop they use these to join and glue furniture Pieces like chairs..tables,, With a drills help I made them circular As seen picture below the mast drill the deck through a [snotter] taper and the mast step sit on a snotter right over keel To add a slight contrast I used other wood mahogany type to construct pieces such as Mast taper ,blocks, dead eyes ,mast snotter, channel….. On driver boom jaws I used copper bands Between main mast, boom and jaws Teflon grommet has fitted red arrow on D10 picture ,so Boom or gaff can rapidly change direction according the way wind is blowing on gaff jaws I used copper bands and a copper ring on main mast, D11 red arrows blue arrow shows point that jaws bended with rope futtock stave is made from a wooden spar -blue arrow well enough for this now ,I must test the solar oven so see you>>>
  3. Well,well .unfortunately I dont have a lathe .The cylinder barrel is from a copy from a miniature toy ,the rest are wooden construction accordind drafts of a ships gun , french 18 pounder
  4. Whole construcrion great And stern ...as i say builds nice ,beautifull as wives a s s
  5. microbuilder >just was wondering what else are we going to see
  6. working hard the last days, mostly thinking how would i connect this ?? how shall i do with the gear. ??...searched arround the forum from similar constuctions i got some ideas and answers. well i helped by George and even my wife,so i saved time running to next levels D7 Start placing electric equipment ,connections and steering Orange arrows>Sponge type rubber self glue in all around under deck line. will make the void space water tight Black arrow>a small motor 6 v mounted on the white gear which gives a funny noise while rolling. the white gear is connected with a shaft Green arrow>>double arm steering bracket connect via tens ropes with the circular top of servo Yellow arrow>> servo top head Blue arrow>>a stainless steel dowel cross vertically the bracket connecting the rudder Red arrow>>nut grommet with ball bearing and O-ring Orange arrow REMOVABLE DECK I made the aft part of deck[2/3 of the total deck length] removable so I can watch servos rudder and motor Yellow lines shows the part of deck that can easily be placed or remove 4 red arrows shown you the point where 4 screw 6 mm push through the deck and place nuts on end of the screws [4 nuts –bolt are correspondingly placed vertically on top of 4 beams under the deck] Tighten the screws but not too tight ,the rubber which is glued under deck seal firmly the deck roof D8 picture above show Removable deck capsized, black color self glue sponge rubber Deck details and decoration i have not place a high priority on the accurate reproduction I need time for smallest details A miniature cannon added - sorry no records to show you how its been made before ships construction- As I have seen from historical pictures looks like a French 18 pounder gun 1740 to 1830. Picture showing changes I made Yellow arrow- hatch cover cut is larger than original top can be removed so I can insert and connect battery and receiver Time is out . work now comments are free
  7. You may find some interest in the photos>
  8. Ben >About the donkey..is a.... Greek proverbs meaning a man who has great patience to manage what he wants Your patent is great and helps people who suffer. Im sure you will find a way with moving oars . The one who tries and insists with the patience always succeed>>>another pvb
  9. i will do my best to find any plans or photoes by the way i was lucky to get on board ...on the above picture .Olympias.but i must look for my old digital pictures Οlympias lenght 37 m draft 1.30 m max speed 7-9 knοts fast maneuvring in shallow waters Olympias midships section trireme had many types with different lengh Combat Trireme ship max lengh 45 m ,Breadth 6 m Trireme had 3 decks and 200 men. upper deck men named as thranites 54 men as rowers middle 2nd deck men named as zigites 54 men as rowers lower deck men named as thalamites 62 men as rowers ,on this level it was captains room The 2 main types are.. 1]Hoplite trireme with sealled the 2 lower rowing levels,and the 108 rowers[thalamites] replaced by heavy and light hoplites and their supplies. 2]Horse carrying Trireme up to 30 horses for cavarly type of wood they used pine .fir,juniper Trireme crew Captain chief officer 3-4 officers 2 wheelmen 2 piper 10-20 marine armoured for combat 170 rowers- free men not slaves-It was honorable to be as a rower inside this ship .....i wouldnt like it....in case of combat they fight also 10 crew assistance I hope i helped you somehow i will look around for more. WELL enough for now enjoy the movie OLYMPIAS PLAN
  10. Hi Nenseth.I like your building style.well done looking forward your next update
  11. Wow! latest fashion technology!!nice trick.well done Anga.
  12. Dont forget to seal the inner body before upper decks installation.
  13. Hola jose . Wish you luck with your nice looking ship
  14. Hi Marsalv .Excellent work. Im watching your steps
  15. Just for info. An exact copy of trireme has been build in Piraeus shipyards on 1987. Name .Olympias. On May 2004 she carried the Olympic flame This war ship that took place in 480bc salamis battle. Warner bros has taken the licence for digital representation to use this model plans for the movie Rise of the empire .Themistocles.
  16. Hi Ben. Im surpriced watching your effords trying to build your ship.My opinion on your problem. You should have sealed the interior firstly,i mean the inner shell to avoid any structures timber deformation when it contacts with water.Its important also before paint the body to use wood sealant colour putty just to ensure its sealled,and before use any paint or varnish ,need to apply a primer oil. Excelent work
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