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Everything posted by jimvanlan99

  1. Mike, where did you find the Chapter 3 instructions that cover the construction of the Q galleries? Jim
  2. Well, I guess this gives me some small comfort. Now I just have to figure out now to remove the offending ends off the timber bollards without destroying or disfiguring them. Unfortunately my bollards are always secured/glued in place. Thanks for letting me know that I am now alone in this. Jim
  3. JJ, I did not have the problem you are encountering with the Wales not aligning at the top. HOWEVER, I have found that at the stem I do have a problem as I reach the bottom of the timber bollards. On top of the top strake of Wales, the plans call for a 7/16" strake (called a black strake, although it is not painted black) and this, like the Wales, is double planked (according to Chuck, the top plank of the "black strake" is to be sanded down in thickness to under 2/64"). This thinning is to give a "step down" appearance I guess from the Wales to the single strakes that are above the "black strake." Now comes my problem - I guess it is only mine since I have not seen it mentioned elsewhere. Above the black strake are two planks, each of which is 1/4" wide and they are to flow smoothly under the timber bollards to the rabbit in the stem piece. When I temporarily placed the black strake and two 1/4" wide planks above the Wales, I did not have room under the bottom of the timber bollards for the top 1/4" wide plank. It looks to be like I am going to have to remove about 1/8" of the exterior timber bollards on both sides of the stem to allow the 1/4" planks to fit smoothly right up to the rabbit in the stem and under the timber bollards. This came as a complete surprise to me and another disheartening mistake (evidently on my part). So far, I have had more than my share of such disheartening mistakes with this model.
  4. Scrubbyj427, Looking really good. I am several days/weeks behind you but working on it. I really appreciate the opportunity to watch you progress (and learn). Jim
  5. Worldway, For what it is worth, I have found that sanding sticks (I get mine at a beauty salon store, where they are sold for sanding fingernails) in various grades from 100 to 600 work really well on bulkheads. the important thing, as you know, is to frequently check the bulkheads at various heights with a batten to ensure you are getting the right curvature and that the batten is getting maximum contact with the edge of the bulkheads. Good luck and happy sanding!
  6. It may have been a pain getting there, but I would say you have one beautiful model there.
  7. B.E. I want to congratulate you on a really superb build. Just beautiful Jim
  8. I had the same problem of the bulkheads not reading the bearding line, and I noticed in there build log that there was a similar problem. I, too, put in fillers, although not as many as you. the real issue will be to do the fairing well.
  9. Worldway, Glad to see you are back in the saddle on Fair American. I too am on a small sabbatical from FA - partially due to distraction by Syren's Medway longboat, which I just finished and now due to shoulder surgery which has left me with only my right hand for a month or so. I saw you pictures of the stern fillers that you had to carve and sand - tough work. Anyway, since another modeler or two kept telling my stern fillers were not sufficiently faired and needed more sanding, I thought I would send you a couple of pictures of how far down I had to sand my blocks. The blocks in this photo were deemed entirely too rounded for the planks to lie smoothly across the blocks to the transom. Same thing in this one. The next two were almost right - you can see that the bulge of the filler blocks has been almost completely taken away filler Hope this helps. Jim
  10. BE, Your guns turned out beautifully. In my limited time as a modeler, I have had a terrible time getting brass to blacken and then for the blackening to stay put on the brass rather than to come off on my hands. I know that a lot has to do with the correct cleaning of the brass. And I see that you use Humbrol Matt Cote to seal. Could I trouble you to outline for me what you use to clean the brass and how you do this? It would really help me (and perhaps others). Thank you, Jim
  11. Wow! Chris, these are beautiful pictures of a terrific model. Arethusa will be a great addition to your "squadron" of ships. As will be the upgraded Speedy. Any idea when you will have the upgraded version of Speedy available? Jim
  12. Chris, 

    I just tried to PM you and got a site from the ModelShipWorld site that you cannot receive messages.?.  Am I doing something wrong?  I went to the message area, put your name in the "to" box, provided a subject line and then wrote my message.

    Jim Van Laningham

    1. chris watton

      chris watton

      Hi Jim, you can email me direct:


    2. jimvanlan99


      Thanks Chris.  I also sent you a message via your website (Vanguard).  Will repeat in e-mail

  13. Chris, And one more question on Alert. I see that you are arranging to have resin cannons made for Alert. Will these be available to those of us who bought Alert early? If so, do you have an estimate of the cost? (I realize you said that these would not be available for several months yet. Thank you, Jim
  14. Chris, I may have missed it, but I see where you have had new Alert stern patterns re-designed and re-cut, a pic of one set is included here, these will be included in all new kits. For those of us who were the first to buy Alert but have not yet had time to begin work on the model, should we arrange to purchase the new stern patterns? If so, how much would they be? And this would be for a shipment to the U.S. Thank you, Jim
  15. Ryland, I looked back over your build log. First of all, let me say how glad I am that you are recovering from your heart problem. That is great news. Second, I just wanted to say that I, too, will be at the NRG Conference in New Bedford toward the end of the month. Hope to meet you then. Jim
  16. Chris, Thank you for this. I was not aware that you planned to send MDF stern replacement parts out. You are providing first-rate service, and I cannot think but that your endeavor with this new company is going to be a raging success. Jim
  17. I may have missed something here. Do we need replacement Alert stern frames in order to proceed with the building of Alert? Chris, I seem to remember that you said you had 100 kits made one way. Are you planning to replace the stern parts for everyone who bought the first 100 kits? Jim
  18. Wow, Chris, that is incredible. Very nice job. You have probably said before, but I forget. To what scale are your figures? Jim
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