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Everything posted by Ferit

  1. Hi, What I understood is those two parts (red circles) are continuation of the two timber of the bow section. Actually those area have to be wooden Why did Mamoli prefer to finish and complete the end of a wood with casting metal? And from picture (optical illusion?) lion's head is seen as in good position (yellow line). How? You will cut some parts of the ornament below lion's leg to pull down the lion casting? Me too, I had to intervene in the ornaments on my build.
  2. Hi, A beautiful ship, like an example of the Brandenburg Navy. (to which she doesn't belong as far as I know) The section over the lion's head, will it remain gold plated or wood colored? And the green parts of the bow, how you have done them, pre-cut or blended and shaped by yourself? Thank you. Very fine build...
  3. To secure the end of the ropes with a very thin another rope... Very fine Michael... Detail and detail...
  4. Hi, Thank you for your support and likes... For which I am sorry is my mistake just at the restart... Actually I had not waxed the ropes with candle. That redo will offer the opportunity to prevent the ropes to be hairy...
  5. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry... I cut the rightest shroud by mistake while cutting the excess of the last ratline rope with the knife... I will continue with the combout...
  6. Hi my friend, Nigel; Thank you for your kind welcome. Me too having major changes in my life, I had to leave out my build. I wish everything is going good for you and your dock becomes more busy and intense than erstwhile. It's always a privilege to see you on work... And a little progress. Doing as much as I can. Actually, maybe this is a shame to share those 9 ratline as a progress but they are the evidence of my work enthusiasm...
  7. Thank you Hamilton, The repair was like a first step. It is easy to change a broken part but I was officious and impatient at that time, not ready mentally, I had finished with more damage... Now I feel more prepared and eager but a little leisurely...
  8. Hi, Michael, Popeye and Mark; Thank you very much for your warm welcome and wishes...
  9. Hi my friends, Berlin finally started to make me build itself... Inspired after a long time of stability I was able to repair the broken upper main mast. What a progress?!... I have removed the upper section and fixed the new part throught the semi-opened hole to the lower part with a wooden rod (picture). I wish it will continue...
  10. Hi, Just a visit... You Log has already been a Consultation / Advice / Reference document... Very nice work as always... Do you think to interest in surgery equipment to find something useful for what you are looking for?
  11. I stopped by after a long time... Spectacular... What a rope work!
  12. Hi Michael, At every new photo I admire your progress on perfect details... As I had said earlier, the MOST perfect item on your ship will be probably the last item added at the end...
  13. Thank you B.E. for the best wishes from the one of the luminaries of ship modelling...
  14. Thank you Popeye but I was knocked down as soon as I have returned :-)
  15. @ Anja Thank you for your warm welcome Anja... @ Sjors Always clever, witty, sincere and friendly you are...
  16. Thank you for the encouragement and best wishes... Slog, Ondras, Hamilton, Michael and Mark and others with their Likes... This morning, my first attempt to fix the damage was finished with more damage... (being more rusty) Plus, after 2,5 year, I realized some equipment is needed... (another lap) @ Hamilton It will be really fine to see your Berlin under construction... Being at the middle of the way for a single ship during many years, I admire the masters of multi-builds...
  17. Hi my friends, After a long period of silence I want to restart. I hope to be able to continue. With a small accident while moving to my new address...
  18. I have not longer any arrogance about my skill thanks to you... Unbelievable...
  19. Hi Max, IMO, painted ships are more attractive, vivacious and beautiful, the shade choosen for the green color is very pleasant on the Berlin. I haven't painted my Berlin because I have not confidence in my skill about painting
  20. Hi Giampiero, Let me know if there will be fake glass and which kind of torch inside. I don't know how must be a lantern on an original period ship.
  21. Hi Max, It's very fine your work about deck planking... I think that the cause of the instructions about Corel's Berlin are uncertain is probably there are not any confirmed/original plans of the original ship. The only inconvenience for the builder having to act through his imagination can be to be regretful in the future when he realizes that his thoughts/decisions hadn't be so good/well judged. For me, because of my obsessive personality that was in this way especially after finding this forum MSW. I learned a lot of things.
  22. Hi Max, The strips for planking, are they thin from ones that Corel supplies (2mm)? If so, do you think to make additional working to ensure the right thickness of the gunports and the part of the board over the deck? 2 mm outside + 2 mm inside planking - 1mm sandpapering. Approx. 3 mm. 3mm x 40/1 (ratio) 12 cm on original. I don't know the right thickness, I had and have no idea but I had struggled on my own Berlin. On Corel it's playing chess, thinking 5 moves ahead...
  23. Excellent details again... Do you think to add there (light green area) a block of wood Michael? ( Excuse me for my obsession of asking questions like this...)
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