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Everything posted by Chapman

  1. The Ares will be great! Many brig sloops had carronades as their main armament. Would this be a credible weapon for your model? If you can't find any suitable carronades, you can still build your own. Perhaps a small series of metal or resin casts would be suitable for this, as is the case for all guns? It is possible that they could also be used for the other planned Greek ships. I make my guns from white metal alloy because that's what I work with. Resin will definitely work too. Attached is a photo of earlier gun casts. The 3 Dutch guns were built from wood. Plastic or brass would be better here. the British 4 pounder shown on the right was built from polystyrene. All were cast in white metal alloy.
  2. Hi Micha! There are plans of Japanese ship/boat types in Admiral Paris Souvenirs de Marine 1882 - 1892. I think that with a little searching you can also find his plancollection in digital form on the Internet. Joerg
  3. Why not build another Spanish three-decker like that, based on better sources and a modern reconstruction? The Nuestra Señora de la Concepción y de las Ánimas! The reconstruction made it into the spanish naval museum, and Dusek (MSW partner) released a kit of it.
  4. Yes, thats the 1799 Enterprize or Enterprise as 1806 under David Porter. This picture by Antoine Roux actually has a text under the ship with the exact date in 1806 and David Porter as Capt. are called. Another picture by the same artist and the ship, also in 1806, shows the other side of the ship and, as I already mentioned, in motion. These two images are the most detailed and credible images of the ship. The number and placement of the existing gun ports are interesting. There are 7 gun ports but obviously none, not even a locked one next to or in front of the foremast.
  5. Chapelle himself presented a plan for the superior in one of his books. There is probably a english made plan and a picture of the Superieur, it is possible that the above plan reconstruction of the Enterprize 1806 is based on this plan. However, we know that, among other things, the stern of the Enterprize was rebuilt before the shipyard in Venice, so it must have originally looked different and was therefore not completely identical to the Superieur. However, there are 2 pictures ( One portside at anchor and one underway from starboard ) of the Enterprize from the Roux family from the time after the renovation in Venice and still in the Mediterranean. which then show a strong similarity to the Superieur.
  6. Hi Phil! The plan, according to Italian literature, is the brig cutter Giasone. An expanded version of the cutter class type Enea based on English plans.
  7. Hi George, I have one more addition: a model from the Cutter Vlieg. Here you can see the holder for the oars more clearly. On this occasion, I really like your model. Good work!
  8. Hi George, in the past I had found ship oars stored on the outside of the Bulwarks in Baugean's detailed depictions of ships. Here is a link to a Mediterranean ship. I think there are a few to see here. There is also a nice representation of a big Dutch cutter of war from Baugean, here the ship's oars can also be seen on the outside of the bulwark. Sorry, can't find any better files online at the moment. Edit: Link Link 2
  9. Thanks! US and other nations' ships are constantly being upgraded with more modern equipment. That is also the case here. This particular device appears to be appearing in 2022. Some Arleigh Burkes have this or perhaps a little smaller on the outside of both Bridge wings.
  10. Hi! Anyone can certainly interpret a lot of things, but are they really reflecting the thoughts of people from another century? If a customer gives his interpretation, why not take it into account. The customer is king, as they say in Germany.
  11. Based on the main decorative figure, the winged coat of arms with lilies, and the top end of the side galleries with fire and birds, I think the bird depictions are phoenixes. As for the heads, they look like frightening scary faces. I suspect that the heads do not represent a specific character and are all pretty much identical, because they were probably made in a small series by an assistant.
  12. Hi Mark ! Unfortunately I don't have a larger photo and I can't search for it because I just don't have the right search terms. My assumption at the moment is that it may be a electronic defensive device. Joerg
  13. Hello! I have a question Does anyone know what these equipment are called and what they are used for? These pieces of equipment are also available on the port side. Thanks
  14. Van de Velde shows the last middle deck gun port of the French Reine with a standard gunport lid. The contemporary model of HMS Prince from 1670 had at that place a vertically divided lid. The latter would better adapt to the shape of the side gallery on the Fulminant. This would also cover the inharmonious and deep cut into the side gallery.
  15. The Louvre has all 3 views of the Prompt. Here is the link to the sidegallery, and the Bow It's great that there is a plan for this ship as it was built and the decoration as planned. This gives good insight into the final execution.
  16. Hi! Version B gives the correct distance between the gun ports and fits into the "fake window!
  17. I am pleased that the two ladies can now tell each other the latest gossip🛍️ face to face. As a decorative figure, without small talk, otherwise pretty boring. And the horses' necks look healthier too.😄
  18. Hello Marc, As always, your model is making great progress. Here is a link to a well-known image of a French first rate. The information about the print is particularly interesting here.
  19. I am pleased that the Sankt Georg is continuing here. The reconstruction looks very convincing. A cardboard model of the ship would be nice.
  20. Hi Guy, The error was with the NMM page, the plan was displayed under the wrong name. This kind of thing happens. I found Admiral's Paris Plan Collection on Wayback. See 0041 Goélette américaine la MUSQUIDOBIT It should now work smoothly.
  21. Hi Treebeard! I like this schooner, Musquidobit is a good choice. I don't want to cause any confusion but this link shows the HMS Orestes ex dutch By the way, in the plan collection from Admiral Paris (online) you can also find a plan of the Musquidobit including a sail plan. Unfortunately I don't have a direct link anymore, but I have the plan if necessary.
  22. Hi Marc! I rarely check in here these days, but I'm still interested and fascinated by what I see here. If oil paints then Griffin Alkyd by Winsor & Newton. These dry quickly.
  23. Wonderful ! Εκπληκτικός ! Thank you for showing . How did you make the deck?
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