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Everything posted by CDW

  1. The major portion of masking and painting is now complete. She's ready to get some panel line treatment and touch ups before applying decals.
  2. Happy New Year Mike. Glad to see you're getting time in with the Typhoon.
  3. It's the poor lighting and the angles of the photos I took causing it. PS: and the decals are printed in a very subtle color/s
  4. Here is a video walk-around where the landing gear look more silver. Probably a a powder coated finish of some kind.
  5. The Hobby Boss Rafale goes together quickly with no major fit issues. Not perfect, but acceptable. The cockpit is simple, and all the photos I saw of it, everything is black. I'm now ready to start laying down some paint. For the main finish colors of yellow, blue, and a little gray, I'll be using Mr. Hobby Acrysion paints with Mr Color leveling thinner. I need to figure out these paint masks that come with the decal set...they are used to separate the gray from the yellow and black at the nose section.
  6. I'll be looking forward to your next project, but this one has far exceeded my expectations for a detailed U-boat model. Outstanding indeed.
  7. Glad to find your build thread for the B-25! This will be the first build review I've seen for a HK kit. Really looking forward to it. You've got a great start moving forward.
  8. The instructions called for silver on the landing gear. I didn't think it was silver from the photos I saw, but more of a silver-gray. I ended up using a white/gray that looks real nice I think. You just can't trust the color call-outs on instructions much of the time, but at the same time, colors are hard to distinguish from photos sometimes.
  9. The landing gear on this plane are massive. Look like they could support a commercial airliner.
  10. OC Those landing gear look to be a silver-gray color. Photos on the net are rather inconclusive to me so I am going to wing-it for the colors on some of the features such as the gear. Did you ever get a close look at one at an airshow or anything? The cockpit colors are easy...it's all black from what I can tell.
  11. OC Looks like there are some graphics on top of the external wing fuel tanks? Interesting.
  12. They are definitely going on a Rafale, but mine is an "M", not a "C". Don't think it will make much difference in the end, it will be a Rafale model with the markings I want.
  13. Besides model kits, I also collect decal sets. Often, I buy a decal set and then wait until later to find a model kit appropriate for the decals. That's the case here as I bought a beautiful set of decals from Syhart that replicates a particular French Rafale aircraft as it appeared in the Tigermeet 2013 markings. These decal sets tend to be limited production items that disappear before you know it...you have to get them where/when you can. Anyway, I'll get started on the model kit and look forward to the finished aircraft with these beautiful (to me) markings.
  14. Getting closer to a finish. Added the decals and Aces II ejection seats. Next will be adding a few landing/navigation lights, a dull coat to seal the decals, then last add the ordnance.
  15. The 30mm depleted uranium rounds are a nightmare for armored vehicles.
  16. When my brother was stationed in France in the 60's, he literally brought hundreds of antique clocks back to the USA on C-130's, a few at a time. Back then, they would commonly bring their own personal cargo back to the states and I guess no one cared that they did. He would hunt all the little shops through the countryside towns and villages in Europe, buy broken antique clocks, then repair them to bring back stateside. I have a few of them in my house still.
  17. I got a kick out of watching A-10's in South Carolina. They reminded me of crop dusters years ago, those A-10's are so agile.
  18. My brother served at Keesler with the hurricane hunters in the early 70's. Before that, the hurricane hunters were stationed out of Puerto Rico. As a teen, I enjoyed lots of time at Ft Bragg/Pope AFB, watching the Special Forces and Airborn practice their jumps. Waves of C-130's and hundreds or more paratroopers. During the early VietNam era.
  19. Here is some ordnance on display and panel line accents. The photos reveal some touch ups I need to do. Funny how photos can show things that escape the naked eye.
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